1. Limited benefit to poor: -Under P.D.S. food grains are provided to ration card holders only. These ration cards are issued on the basis of residential address. So, seasonal migrant workers and homeless people are not to get its benefit.
disparities: -Some regions are well
developed while some are less. In some states, large number of families is
below poverty line. But, the off-take of food grain through P.D.S. is not
accordingly. Due to this regional imbalance, most of the people are deprived
from the benefits of P.D.S.
Urban bias: -Nearly, 75% fair price shops are in the rural
areas but, the off-take of food grains through P.D.S. is more in urban areas.
The transport system in villages is not as efficient as in cities. At times, food
grains and kerosene are not available in most of the fair price shops in rural
Inefficient Food
Corporation of India: -It is the duty of
Food Corporation of India to supply food grains for distribution through fair
price shops. But there is some inefficiency. Excess stock of food grains is not
stored properly. Therefore, it creates scarcity of food grains even after an
increase in production.
There is a
pressing need to eliminate these drawbacks.