Introduction: - organizing is next to planning. It is a process
of identifying and bringing all the resources i.e. men, material, machines,
money and methods together and uses them properly for achieving the objectives.
Organizing brings together physical, financial, and human resources and
develops productive relationship amongst them. Organizing is a process whereby
one defines the activities and establishes the relationship amongst them to
achieve organizational objectives.
Definition: -
““The process of identifying and grouping of the work
to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and
establishing a pattern of relationship for the purpose of enabling people to
work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives”. Defined by… (Louis Allen)
Nature of Organizing can be briefly explained as follows:
Organizing as a process: - Organizing is a step-by-step process which
consists of 8 steps each step is an important task to be performed by the
administrators working at the top level of management: i. fixes the common
of related activities, Defining the responsibility, Delegating authority to
staff members, Relationship between superior and subordinates, provision of
requirements for achieving the objectives like money, machines, materials,
etc., co-ordination for achieving the common objectives of the organization.
Division of work: -The working of an Organization is centered on the
concept of specialized division of work. The division of work is assigning
responsibility for each organizational activity to a specific individual or
group of people. It also increases the efficiency and effectiveness of
employees in an organization.
- Organization is a means of creating co-ordination among different
departments. It creates good relationship among employees and ensures mutual
co-operation among individuals. Co-ordination increases success rate and
desired goals can be achieved.
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Goal oriented:
-Every organization has its own objectives and goals. Organizing is the main
function employed to achieve the individual goals of the employees with overall
objectives of the firm.
Group of Individuals: - Individuals form a group and the groups form an
organization. Thus, organization is the composition of individuals and groups.
Individuals are grouped into departments and their work is co-ordinated and
directed towards achievements of organizational goals.
-The Organization divides the entire work and assigns the tasks to individuals
in order to achieve the organizational objectives. Each one has to perform task
and tasks of one individual must be co-ordinated with the tasks of others.
Collectively these tasks at the final stage are called integration.
-An organization is a group of people in which they work together to achieve
the goals of that organization. This relationship does not come to an end after
completing the task. Organizing is a never ending process.
Common Targets:
-Top level management set the overall goals for an organization. It is an
integrated and collective effort from all the employees towards the
achievements of common targets or goals set-up by an organization.
Decision Making: -Top Management has a right and power to take
decisions. It is a task of a manager to get the things done from the
subordinates in the most efficient and effective manner.
Authority and Responsibility: -When a particular activity or group of activities
is assigned to an individual, he becomes responsible for those activities. A
manager can discharge his responsibility properly only when he has been given proper
authority to take right decisions.