
Look at the following graph. It shows the result of S.S.C. Exam of The General English High School. Write a paragraph giving all the information of H.S.C. Results.

The General English High School

The given diagram represents the percentage of students passed in the S.S.C. examination of The General English High School. In the year 1997 the percentage of boys passing was more than that of girls. It accounts for about 30 % for boys and about 20 % girls. In the next two years that is, in 1998 as well as in 1999 percentage of boys passing the examination were more than that of girls. about 45% of boys and 40% of girls were passed in the 1998 and incase of 1999 it was about 25% and 20% respectively. But from the year 2000 onwards the trend had been changed. In 2000, the percentage of girls passing the examination overtook the percentage of boys were passing. About 45% of girls and 30 % of boys were passed in that year. In the last year, 2001 also the latest trend continued. Here the percentage of girls passing the examination was about 70% and in case of boys it was 60%. But both the percentages have reached a new level which they were never getting before.