
To your younger brother scolding him for having neglected his studies.

To your younger brother scolding him for having neglected his studies.

8C, Sonia Apartments,

Mango colony,

M.G. Road,


Mumbai - 400 016.

13th February, 2013  .

My dear brother,

I am keeping myself well up in my studies. From the marks you have obtained in the last Quarterly Examination, I find that your marks in English, Mathematics and Marathi are very poor.

You are not wanting in intelligence. So the poor results must be due to your gross neglect of studies. I do not condemn you for your interest and activity in games. No doubt the body must be improved. But how can we ever afford to neglect the proper cultiĀ­vation of the mind on that score?

Remember what amount of trouble father undergoes in keepĀ­ing us at school and college! May I hope for a decided improvement in your studies in the next course at least? Kindly assure me that you have turned over a new leaf as regards your studies.

I hope 'that father, mother and our little brother are all keeping well.

Your ever loving brother,


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