
Letter for redemption of debentures

Jayesh Marble Limited
408, C. Ramchandra Road,
Khar (East) Mumbai - 53

Ref.: Jayesh/112/2011-12                                             Date : 16th March, 2012.
Mr. Devchand Bohare
A/21, Swastik Colony,
Bhadkamkar Marg, Fort,
Mumbai - 400020

Sub: Redemption of Debentures

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that 1,00,000, 12.5% non-convertible debentures issued in May 2005 are due for redemption on 30st April 2012. According to the Board Resolution No. 4432 passed at the board meeting held on 15th March, 2012 said debentures shall be redeemed out of Debentures Redemption Reserve of the company.
Please arrange to submit duly filled up debenture redemption form alongwith duly discharged debenture certificate at the Registered office of the company on or before 7th April, 2012.
On completion of the above formalities, crossed cheque for the redemption amount shall be sent to you by the registered post.
Thanking You.
                                                                                     Yours faithfully,
                                                                                For Jayesh Marble Ltd.

Encl : Debenture Redemption Form.