

1. Fill in the blanks:
(1) The cable connecting the web servers are called information super highways.
(2) Local area networks are connected to the web servers through Routers.
(3) Sending a file to FTP web server is called uploading.
(4) The protocol used for retrieving hyperlinked resources from web servers called downloading.
(5) Post office protocol is used by mail servers to send and receive mail messages to and from other mail servers.
(6) The root page of a web site is called Homepage.
(7) The internet user needs a program called a browser to access information on the WWW.
(8) The name with which you open your account with ISP is called your user name.
(9) The process of establishing a connection with your ISP's server is called logging in.

2.State whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) The Internet is global network of networks. True.
(2) ARPANET was created for the US military. True.
(3) E-mail clients use SMTP to access their mailbox accounts. True.
(4) A web site consists of a group of hyperlinked webpages. True.
(5) WWW is a synonymous with the internet. True.
(6) An IP Address has two sections identifying the network and host. True.
(7) Domain names are based either on the type of organization or the geographical area or both. True.
(8) The web browser of Netscape is called Firefox. False.
(9)  A dial-up access remains ‘always on’. False.
(10) You can attach files of any type to your e-mail messages. True.
(11) The URL of a web site begins with the domain name. False.
(12) The URL of a website contains @ symbol. False

3.Match the following.
Column 1
Column 2
(1)    .in
(d) India
(2)    .int
(e) International Organization
(3)    SMTP
(b) Email
(4)    HTML
(c) Wep page
(5)    URL
(a) Web address

4. Correct the following URLs and rewrite them:
(1)    www
(2)    http\
(3)    ftp:\www.nic.ORG
(4)    www:\
(5)    COM.khoj.www
(6)    NPIL @ /

5. Write the full form of the following.
(1)    .com
(2)    .gov
(3)    .edu
(4)    .mil
(5)    .au
(6)    .jp
(7)    .in
(8)    IMAP
Internet Message Access Protocol
(9)    HTTP
Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
(10)  URL
Universal Resource Locator.

6.Name the following.
(1) A company which provides Internet connectivity to users:
Ans. Internet Service Provider.
(2) Large fibre-optic cables connecting the web servers:
Ans.Information Super Highways.
(3) A software programs that searches the WWW on the basis of keywords provided:
Ans.Search Engine.
7.Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.
(1) Why are networking protocols necessary?
Ans. Protocols are necessary because computers accross a network have different hardwares and operating sysytem.
(2) Name the most important protocols for data transmission over the internet?
Ans. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
(3) Name three e-mail related protocols.
Ans. Post Office Protocol(POP),Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP.
(4) What is world wide web?
Ans. The world wide web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources,linked by hyperlinks and web addresses.
(5) What is a search Engine?
Ans. Search engines are powerfull software programs that search information on the basis of the keyword that you provide.
(6) State the requirements for an internet connectivity?
Ans.To connect to the internet you need Personal Computer, Modem, Interner service Provider (ISP), Communication link to ISP and relevant software(Browser).
(7) Name the different types of communication link to ISP
Ans. Dial-up access, Broadband ADSL connectivity, ISDN, Leased lines,VSAT and Cable TV.
(8) What is mail client?
Ans. Mail client is a software residing in your computer that allows you to send and recieve e-mail messages.
(9) Name two popular mail clients?
Ans. Microsoft Out look express and Netscape Mail.
(10) What is the advantage of using web mail?

Ans. Webmail is a web-based e-mail that only need a browser. Websites such as, and and offeres web-based e-mail.