
History of Computer(IT STD VI CH 1)

1.Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:

(1) What were Napier's bones?
Ans. Napier's Bone were square in cross sections and a set consisted of 9 rods numbered from 1 to 9.

(2) Which type of calculations could be done using Stepped Reckoner?
Ans. A Stepped Reckoner can add and subtract as well as multiply, divide and find square roots.

(3) In what respects was Babbage's designed Analytical Engine similar to that of a modern computer? OR Why Charles Babbage called the father of computer.
Ans. Charles Babbage designed a computer which has an input device, a control unit , a memory unit and an output device. So he is called as the father of computer.

(4) What is meant by computer generations?
Ans. A computer generation means the technology that are used to build the electronic circuit of the computer.

(5) Why were first generation computers were huge in size?
Ans. The first generation of computers were built by vacuum tube technology. And they released huge amount of heat. So they had to be cooled by big A/C.

(6) How did the invention of transistor benefit computers? OR What characteristics make a transistor better than vacuum tube?
Ans. Transistors were smaller, cheaper and more reliable.

2. Name the following:

(1) The first known calculating aid. Abacus.

(2) The inventor of Stepped Reckoner. Gottfried Leibniz.

(3) The programmable computing device designed by Babbage. Analytical Engine.

(4) A stiff card with holes punched to input data. Punched Card.

(5) The first programmable electronic computer. ENIAC

(6) The electronic device which replaced vacuum tubes. Transistor.

(7) The VLSI chip invented by ted Hoff. Microprocessor.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(1) Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer because he designed the first digital computer.  False.

(2) The invention of transistors made the computer smaller but slower. False.

(3) FORTAN and COBOL were used in first generation of computers. True.

(4) Keyboard and operating system were introduced in the third generation computers. True.

(5) The microprocessor uses VLSI technology. True.

(6) Fifth generation computers are being developed to have artificial intelligence. True.

4. Fill in the blanks:

(1) The Abacus was the earliest calculating aid.

(2) Napier's Bones consisted of a set of 9 rods.

(3) Before the invention of electronic calculator. Scientist used the slide Rule to carry out numerical calculations.

(4) The invention of vacuum tubes led the development of electronic computers.

(5) Programs for first generation computers were initially written in machine language.

(6) Integrated circuits were used to make third generation of computers.

(7) The graphical user interface and mouse was introduced in 4th generation computers.

5. Math the following.

 column A
Column B
 (1) Jhon  Mauchly
 (2) Herman Hollerith
 (3) William Shockley
 (4) Jack Kilby
Integrated Circuit.
 (5) Ted Hoff

Column B
 (1) First generation
Vacuum tube
 (2) Second generation
 (3) Third generation
Integrated Circuit
 (4) Fourth generation
Micro processors
 (5) Fifth generation
Artificial intelligence