
Adult literacy programme succeeds

Adult literacy programme succeeds

Mumbai, 5th March, 2015
The Reporter (TOI)

Under the National social service scheme, the students of “The General English High School” had organized an adult literacy programme in Dharavi. This programme was sponsored by Youth Club of Dharavi and the Local MLA Miss. Varsha. The programme wa a great success. It was attended by forty people, out of which ten were women. The classes were conducted in the School hall.

The funds for the books were raised by young volunteers by door to door collection. Initially, the People were guided by the volunteers about the importance of holding the adult literacy training camp. The local people showed willingness to learn, to read and write. The educated people of the village did a superb job of teaching the villagers read and write. The educated people of the Dharavi did a superb job of teaching the villagers to read and write. the black board was provided by the MLA, Miss. Varsha. The people expressed their satisfaction about the programme. They expressed that this programme had brought a new life to them.