1. Write the
negation of the following statements.
Economic growth and per capita
income is more in America.
All students have completed their
homework and the teacher is present.
If it snows then Kaja does not drive
the car.
Ranjani is rich if and only if she
is a doctor.
Ashok reads daily news paper DNA or
∀x∈N,x^2+x is
an even number.
Some students have not paid the
∃n∈N, such
that n^2=n.
∃x∈R, such
that x^2<x.
Total assets minus capital is equal
to liabilities or book – keeping is the language of business.
2. Using the
rules of negation, write the negation of the following.
[(~p∧~q)∨(p∧~q) ]
3. Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following statements.
i. The crop will be destroyed if there is a flood.
If Ravi is good in logic then Ravi is good in
4. With proper justification, state the negation of each of
the following.