*2. Stigma
*3. Ovaries
*4. Seminal vesicles and prostate glands
*5. Uterus
6. Epididymis
7. Vas deferens
8. Testis
9. Penis.
Ans. 1. Vagina : (a) It is a muscular tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the uterus. (b) It provides the route for the menstrual blood to leave the body during menstruation. (c) It is a pathway through which the sperms enter into the woman’s body. (d) It is a pathway through which a baby comes out of a woman’s body during child birth.
2. Stigma : (a) It is the sticky terminal part of the style. (b) It is the receptive organ on which pollen germinates.
3. Ovaries : (a) Ovaries are two oval shaped organs which lie to the upper right and left of the uterus. (b) They develop and release eggs into the oviducts. (c) They secrete hormone estrogen which brings about changes in girls during puberty. (d) When a baby girl is born, the ovaries already contain thousands of immature eggs which remain inactive till puberty. On reaching puberty, a woman’s ovaries usually release one egg each month.
4. Seminal vesicle and prostate glands : They produce ejaculatory fluid which helps the sperms in transport and provides nutrition.
5. Uterus : (a) Uterus is a muscular organ. (b) Due to strong muscles and ability to expand and contract, the uterus can accomodate a growing foetus and can push the baby during labour.
6. Epididymis : Immature sperms travel to the epididymis for development and storage.
7. Vas deferens : It is the passage through which the sperms travel towards the urethra.
8. Testis : (a) Produces sperms (Male germ cells). (b) Testes secrete the hormone testosterone which brings about changes in boys during puberty.
9. Penis : It is the portion of the reproductive system that delivers the sperms to the site of fertilization.