
e- business means using the internet to connect people and processes.

This statement is True.

1. e - business is abbreviated form of electronic business which implies application and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to conduct and complete all business activities. It involves purchasing and selling on internet, processing orders electronically, making online payments via credit cards, debit cards or net banking, handling customer services and co - operating with business partners.

2. It is really easy to set up and maintain an e - business. e- business can be started, managed and operated with the help of the internet from any place in the world. Natuarally, it requires very less capital. We can create web - sites to advertise our products. We can also use e- mail and mobile communication between buyers and sellers.

3. Because of of unique website of our organisation facilitates a firm engaging in e - business to have worldwide presence and popularity. It offeres a lot of publicity i.e. exposure to the business on a global market.

4. Through the advantages of Internet and popularity of mobile application like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, etc. direct communication between partners, employees, buyers and suppliers is made possbile. All of the get feed back from their communicators easily. Thus we can say that, e- business means using the internet to connect people and processes.