September 2008
Organisation of Commerce and Management
Time : 3 Hours Marks : 100
Q. 1(A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences:(5)
1. The oldest and simplest form of business organization is _________.
(a) Sole trading concern (b) Partnership (c) Joint Hindu family business
2. World Trade Organisation was established in the year _________.
(a) 1991 (b) 1995 (c) 1992
3. The tenure of Central Consumer Protection Council is _________ years.
(a) five (b) four (c) three
4. ________ is the principle of specialisation.
(a) Division of work (b) Centralisation (c) Discipline
5. Regular and prompt payment of taxes is the responsibility of business towards _________.
(a) customers (b) government (c) shareholders
(B) Match the pairs from Group 'A' with Group 'B': (5)
Group 'A' | Group 'B' |
(10) 1956 |
(C) Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences: (5)
1. The minimum number of persons required for registration of a private company
is ________.
2. To earn ________ should not be the sole aim of business organisation.
3. An effort to bring uniformity in the work of various departments is called ______.
4. Management is a __________ science.
5. __________ is the father of scientific management.
Q. 2 Write short notes on the following. (any THREE) : (15)
1. Rights of consumers
2. Features of professional management
3. Importance of controlling
4. Need for privatisation.
Q. 3 Distinguish between the following. (Any THREE): (15)
1. Private sector enterprise and Public sector enterprise.
2. Management and Administration.
3. Organising and Staffing..
4. District forum and State commission.
Q. 4 State with reasons whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
(Any THREE): (15)
- We cannot make any changes in the field of management.
- Sole trader has a weak bargaining power.
- Business organisations have no social responsibilities.
- Principles of management are applicable to all types of organisations.
Q. 5 Write short answers of the following. (Any TWO): (10)
1. State the features of Total Quality Management.
2. State the need of Liberalisation.
3. 'Management is an Art'. Explain.
Q. 6 Answer the following questions: (10)
What is Joint Hindu family business? Explain the features of joint Hindu family business.
What is co-operative organisation? Explain its merits and demerits.
Q.7 Answer the following questions: (10)
Describe the various levels of management.
What is planning? Explain its importance.
Q. 8 Answer the following question: (10)
Explain the social responsibilities of Business Organisations towards the Consumers and Government.