March 2008
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(iii) Use the supplied outline map of India and graph paper.
(iv) To draw map of India use of Stencil is allowed.
Q. 1: (A) Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given in the brackets: (3)
(1) When the cost of production of resources is …………….. then these resources are better developed.
(less, more, medium, equal)
(2) The fertile land is used for …………….. occupation.
(animal rearing, mining, hunting, agriculture.)
(3) The first fertilizers producing plant in India was established at …………….. .
(Bathinda, Sindri, Cochi, Hazira.)
(B) Match the following Column 'A' with Column 'B': (3)
Column 'A'
Column 'B'
| ||
Atomic Electricity
Q.2: (A) Give reasons for the following statements (any two): (4)
(1) In India census is carried out every ten years.
(2) World Trade Organization has been established.
(3) Goat rearing requires less expenditure.
(B) Write short notes on (any two): (4)
(1) Solar energy;
(2) Features of road transport;
(3) Poultry Farming.
Q.3: (A) Draw a bar graph with the help of the following statistical information: (2)
Import Value
(Crores Rupees)
(1) How much area is under Protected Forests?
(2) How much area is under Unclassified Forests?
(3) How much area is under Reserved Forests?
(4) How much area is under Reserved and Protected Forests together?
(C) Show the following in the outline map of India supplied to you and name them. Use proper index (any two): (2)
(1) River Narmada.
(2) First ranking state in India in production of sugarcane.
(3) A major centre of cotton industry in Maharashtra - Mumbai.
(4) Area under tank irrigation in Andhra Pradesh.
Q.4: Answer the following questions in detail (any two): (8)
(1) What are the features of Indian agriculture?
(2) Write the uses of Indian forest trees.
(3) State the main types of land use.
Q.5: Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate alternative from those given in the brackets: (2)
(1) Trade with remaining world other than our country is known as …………….. trade.
(Internal, Foreign, Free)
(2) Transformation of public sector into private sector is known as ……………... .
(liberalisation, nationalisation, privatisation.)
Q.6: Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each (any three): (6)
(A) What is meant by economic growth?
(B) Where can a consumer lodge a complaint?
(C) Why is the offtake of food-grains from Public Distribution System decreasing?
(D) What is the main objective of public borrowing?
(E) Write any two causes of inflation.
Q.7: Answer any one of the following questions in five or six sentences: (4)
(A) What are the rights of the consumers as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
(B) Explain the non-economic effects of inflation.