March 2010
Organisation of Commerce and Management
Time : 3 Hours Marks : 100
Q. 1(A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences:(5)
1. For Partnership Organisation minimum ________ number of person are required.
(a) Two (b) Seven (c) Ten
2. The World Trade Organisation is established in _________.
(a) New York (b) Tokyo (c) Geneva
3. Businessmen are the ________ of the society.
(a) Representatives (b) Members (c) Trustees
4. The Consumer's Protection Act was passed in the year _________.
(a) 1920 (b) 1956 (c) 1986
5. Management means to __________.
(a) Order (b) Co-ordinate (c) Help
(B) Match the pairs from Group 'A' with Group 'B': (5)
Group 'A'
Group 'B'
(10) Compensation upto Rs. 20,00,000
(C) Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences: (5)
1. A public company can commence its business after getting _________ certificate.
2. A business organisation is the essential part of _________.
3. State Commission is established by ________ Government.
4. The concept of scientific management was introduced by _________.
5. __________ involves all aspects of business.
Q. 2 Write short notes on any THREE of the following: (15)
1. Features if Business Environment.
2. Need of Principles of Management.
3. Features of Total Quality Management.
4. Business Ethics.
Q. 3 Distinguish between the following. (Any THREE): (15)
1. Joint Hindu Family Business and Co-operative Society.
2. Private Sector and Public Sector.
3. Administration and Management.
4. District Forum and State Commission.
Q. 4 State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.
(Any THREE): (15)
- Disaster Management is concerned with rehabilitation of those who are affected by disaster.
- Staffing is a continuous process.
- The Managers receive orders from Lower level management.
- Consumer Movement is a Political Movement.
Q. 5 Write short answers of the following. (Any TWO): (10)
1. Explain the importance of Co-ordination.
2. What is the need of Privatisation?
3. Explain the features of Professional Management.
Q. 6 Define Partnership organisation and explain its advantages and disadvantages. (10)
Define Co-operative Organisation and explain its features.
Q.7 Explain the functions of the different levels of Managements. (10)
Define Direction and explain its importance.
Q. 8 Define social responsibilities of Commercial Organisations and explain their responsibilities towards Consumers and Shareholders. (10)