March 2010
Secretarial Practice
Time : 3 Hours Marks : 100
Q. 1 (A) Select the proper option from the option given below the rewrite the
sentences: (5)[15]
- Letter or regret is accompanied by _________.
- Refund cheque (b) Call latter (c) Dividend warrant.
- Stock Exchange is a place where ________ are bought and sold.
- Shares (b) Goods (c) Services.
- Dematerialization is conversion of __________.
- Physical securities into electronic form
- Share certificates into share warrants
- Shares into stock.
- Debenture holders get income in the form of ________.
- Dividend (b) Interest (c) Bonus.
- Dividend is a part of _________.
- Capital (b) Profit (c) Reserve fund.
(B) Match the pairs: (5)
Group 'A'
Group 'B'
(10) Prepared by secretary
(C) Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences: (5)
1. The shareholder is a ________ of a company.
2. The share certificate should be made ready for delivery by the company
within_________ months after the allotment of shares.
3. Only _________ shares can be converted into stock.
4. Rate of dividend is recommended by ___________.
5. Proceeding of the meeting should be recorded in the minutes book within
__________ days after the meeting.
Q. 2 Write short notes on Any THREE of the following: [15]
1. Type of Report.
2. Role of Stock Exchanges in capital market.
3. External factors determining Dividend Policy.
4. Contents of minutes.
Q. 3 Distinguish between the following: (Any THREE) : [15]
1. Equity shares and Preference shares.
2. Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.
3. Final Dividend and Interim Dividend.
4. Progress Report and Committee Report.
Q. 4 State TRUE or FALSE with reasons. (Any THREE) : [15]
- Equity shareholders get dividend every year.
- A share certificate is a bearer document of title to the shares issued by the company.
- Debentureholder is the owner of the company.
- Statutory Books are not compulsory for every company.
Q. 5 Write short answers of the following. (Any TWO): [10]
1. What are the essentials of good report writing?
2. State the circumstances under which a Secretary is required to write a letter
to the debentureholders.
3. What are the provisions regarding payment of dividend to the shareholders
of a company.
Q.6 What is Preference share? Explain the different kinds of preference shares? [10]
What is Deposit? Explain the important provisions in the companies Act pertaining
to deposits.
Q. 7 Define the term 'Depository' and explain the procedure of Depository. [10]
Explain the Books of Accounts to be maintained by a company and the legal requirement
with respect to the same.
Q. 8 Write a letter to a shareholder for issue of Bonus shares. [10]