

Homophones are those words which sounds similar buy have meaning and spelling different.

  1. bare , bear
  2. compliment, complement
  3. dye, die
  4. flower, flour
  5. lesson, lessen
  6. pain , pane
  7. peek, peak
  8. loan, lone
  9. main, mane
  10. meet, meat
  11. rein, rain, reign
  12. role, roll
  13. root, route
  14. sail, sale
  15. sight, cite, site
  16. soar, sore
  17. sole, soul
  18. tyre, tire
  19. waist, waste
  20. wait, weight
  21. week weak
  22. There , their
  23. Fair, fare
  24. Knew, new
  25. Wright, right
  26. Sum, some
  27. Whether, weather
  28. Principle, principal
  29. Piece, peace
  30. Birth, berth
  31. Hole, whole
  32. Pray, prey
  33. Sea, see
  34. Be, bee
  35. Where, were
  36. Hear, ear
  37. Our, hour
  38. Are, or