

We observe Earth Day on 22 April across the world. Let's help protect our planet in very simple ways like these....
We commemorate so many special days such as Republic Day, Independence Day, Mother's Day and so on. Well here is one day that deserves not only a commemoration, but our total dedication  - Earth Day, 22 April. At sanctuary, we live our lives like everyday is Earth Day, but we all believe that it would be fantastic to remind our relatives, friends, neighbours, teachers and elders on this day that protecting Mother Earth can end up making us both happy and safe.
Will you do something this Earth Day? Here;s handy list of things you can do.
1. Cut Consumption: Consume as little as possible on Earth Day. this is a day when you can Refuse (to buy new things), Repair and Reuse (old stuff), Recycle (what you cannot reuse), Reject (stuff that is toxic or dangerous to the environment) and Renew (your purpose and resolve to protect the planet)
2. Cut Energy: a. Ditch the old incandescent bulbs and shift to CFLs/ or LEDs (Google both to find out more) (b) Walk or use public transport, try not to use private cars to save fuels. Carpool. Cut down on trips. Use Skype instead of travelling for meetings. (c) Switch off unnecessary gadgets (don't just use the remote ... walk to the mains!)

1. What are the 6 R's that can help reduce consumption?