Printable Worksheets
12th Std
11th Std
10th Std
Give Geographical reasons
Regional approach to geographic studies is very im...
Regionalization is very essential.
Himalayan region receives heavy precipitation on t...
Most of the Himalayan Rivers are perennial in natu...
Himalayas determine climatic conditions of India.
North Indian Mountains are homeland to many tribal...
Rainwater harvesting is very important in Rajastha...
Farmers in the Rajasthan desert depend on animal h...
The Rajasthan desert is the most densely populated...
Rajasthan desert fascinates tourists.
Forested area is less in Punjab-Haryana Plain.
Punjab-Haryana plain has become a granary of India...
Punjab region is affected by salinity.
Soil infertile and immature in the Middle Ganga Pl...
Forest area is decreasing in the Middle Ganga Plai...
Agriculture is the main occupation in the Ganga Pl...
Agro-based industries are found in the Ganga Plain...
Industrial development has taken place in the Lowe...
Rural settlement in the peninsular part exhibit mi...
There are many environmental problems in central p...
Laterite Soils are formed in regions receiving hea...
Mining activities are well developed on the Chota ...
The Deccan is home to many languages.
The Deccan Plateau is an industrially well develop...
Tourism is well developed in Deccan Plateau.
Rainfall influences the climatic of the Western Gh...
The Western Coast does not have vast extending pla...
Compared to the Bay of Bengal islands the Arabian ...
Plantation agriculture is mainly confined to the s...
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