- A system of book - keeping in which both the aspects of transaction are recorded.
- An excess of assets over liabilities
- A system of accounting which is not scientific.
- Name the method, in which only cash and personal transactions are recorded.
- The method in which Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet can be prepared.
- A statement similar to Balance Sheet.
- A statement similar to Balance sheet prepared to ascertain the amount of Closing Capital.
- System of accounting normally suitable to small business organisation.
- The accounting method in which profit is calculated by comparing opening and closing statement affairs.
- The system of accounting which is most scientific and reliable.
- A system of accounting which is not scientific.
- Name the statement prepared to find out profit or loss under single entry system.
- Excess of closing capital over opening capital of proprietor under single entry system.
- Excess of opening capital over closing capital of proprietor under single entry system.
- Method of accounting in which real accounts and nominal accounts are not maintained.
- A statement similar to balance sheet prepared to find out the amount of opening capital.
- A statement which shows profit or loss of business under single entry system
- An accounting system where rules of debit and credit are not followed.
- The incomplete method of accounting system.
- A system of book - keeping which records only one aspect of business transactions and ignores other aspect.
- A system of book - keeping in which every debit has corresponding credit of equal amount.
- A statement which shows the balances of various assets and liabilities at their approximate or estimated values as on particular date.
- Double Entry System
- Capital
- Single Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Double Entry System
- Statement of affairs
- Closing Statement Affairs
- Single Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Double Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Statement of Profit or Losss
- Profit
- :Loss
- Single Entry System
- Opening Statement Affairs.
- Statement of Profit or Loss
- Single Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Double Entry System
- Statement of Affairs.