
Give detailed information about social and educational work of the UNO?

1)       UNO entrusted with the responsibility of social and economic upliftment of the world in the post war period.
2)       UN has appointed several committees to study economic reformation, increasing population, food problem, regional problem, health issues, etc.
3)       UNO also tries to take measures for flood control, education of diseases, etc.
4)       International transport and communication system are the efforts of UNO to increase cooperation among nations.
5)       People are made aware about global problems through books, documentary meetings, conference, film, etc.
6)       Ban on drugs and promotion of the rights of women and children are some of the constant agenda of UNO's Economic and Social Council.
7)       UN also attempts to unite through exchange of games and sports.
8)       UN organs like UNICEF are constantly trying to spread literacy and awareness among nations.

9)       Thus, the functions of UN in social educational fields are really praiseworthy.