Meaning: -Deposits is a loan received by the company
from an investor on certain terms and conditions about repayment of principal
amount wit interest. Deposits are accepted only by public companies. Private
companies are restricted to accept the deposits from general public.
Definition: -According to Companies Act 1956 the term deposits
means 'Any deposit of money with the company and any amount borrowed by the
Company can invite deposits according to the provisions which are laid down by
Companies (Amendment) Act 1988 and Companies rules 1975 which are as follows: -
1. A company whose capital is less than Rs 1
crore as their own fund is prohibited from inviting public deposits.
2. A company who has made default in repayment
of any deposit or interest on such amount can't invite deposits.
3. A company can invite or accept deposits
from the public only after the publication of an advertisement.
4. Company must issue an advertisement
specifying the financial conditions, management structure and other specified
5. Advertisement inviting deposits must be
published in one leading English newspaper and one regional newspaper in the
area or state in which the registered office of the company is situated.
6. Advertisement inviting deposits is a prospectus and hence all
provisions of companies Act 1956 applicable to prospectus are applicable to
such advertisements.
7. The
advertisement must be
issued in the name of Board of Directors of the company. The advertisement
contains the following:-
Name of the company
Date of incorporation of the company
The nature of business carried on by the company.
Brief particular of management of the company
Names, occupations of the directors and addresses
Profits and dividend declared in last 3 years by the company.
Declaration that the company has complied with provisions of
the rules.
8. An advertisement must be signed by the
majority of directors of the company and is valid for a period of 6 months.
9. A copy of the advertisement should be filed
with the Registrar of Companies. In case, a company intends to raise without
issuing an advertisement, it is required to file a 'statement in lieu of
Advertisement' with the Registrar of Companies.