
Accounting for Debentures

1. The debenture holder is owner of the company. (False)

2. The acknowledgment of debt under common seal of company is termed as share. (False)

3. The amount of irredeemable debentures is not paid in the lifetime of the company. (True)

4. The issue of debentures less than face value of debenture is termed as issue of debentures at discount. (True)

5. The debentures are known as creditorship capital of the company. (True)

6. The unregistered debentures are known as naked debentures. (True)

7. The rate of interest of debentures is attached to the debentures. (True)

8. Unsecured debentures are safer than secured debentures. (False)

9. The issue of debentures more than face value is termed on issue of debentures at par. (False)

10. Premium on issue of debentures is recorded on the assets side of Balance Sheet. (False)

True   False