

Meaning: -consumer buying process involves a series of steps. The purchase of FMCG goods may involve a few steps, whereas, in the case of luxury or durable items, the buying behavior undergoes various steps.
1.       Need Identification: - The consumer buying begins with the need identification. It may come from internal stimuli (such as hunger, or desire to look good) or an external one (such as a TV ad, suggestion from a friend) people are driven by buying motives to fulfill their needs. Therefore, marketers must have a good knowledge of buying motives that induces people to buy the products.

2.       Information Search: - When consumers identify a need; they may search for information to buy the product. A consumer may look for information from several sources:

·         Internal sources: recalling from memory, if he/she has satisfied a similar need in the past.
·         Group Sources: consulting other people like family members and friends.
·         Marketing Sources: advertisements and other promotion material.
·         Public Sources: Media publicity, internet and industry reports.
·         Experiential Sources: by experiencing products on trial basis.

3.       Listing alternative Brands: - A consumer may list out a few alternative brands that are available in the market. The brands may be listed after collecting necessary information from various sources. The information of alternative brands may include; features, price, model, after-sale-service, warranty, etc.
4.       Evaluation of Alternatives: - The consumer may evaluate each brand/product against certain criteria such as features, price, etc. the consumer makes a cost benefit analysis of each and every short-listed brand. Consumers identify the product that will deliver the greatest value and satisfaction.

5.       Attitudes: -After evaluation, the consumer may develop an attitude towards the product. Attitudes are individual feelings and beliefs that would largely influence the consumer behavior. The attitude may be positive or negative. If the consumer develops positive attitude, the buying decision process will continue.

6.       Trail Purchase: - The consumer may go for trial purchase to find out whether or not the product meets his expectation. For instance, in the case of car, he may go for a test drive. In case of like FMCG product, the consumer may purchase the product on trial basis.

7.       Purchase Decision: - Once the consumer has narrowed (pointed) down the possible alternatives to just a few, he/she may make a decision to purchase. The consumer would decide whether to buy and if so, then what, where and when to buy.

8.       Post-purchase Behavior: - Marketers job is not complete with the purchase decision by the buyer. Marketers must monitor post-purchase behavior of the customer.

·      Post purchase satisfaction: Marketer’s must obtain feedback on customer satisfaction level. If customer satisfaction level is low, he must make changes in marketing-mix.

Post purchase action: A satisfied customer may become brand loyal. He may even become brand evangelist and spread good word about the product. But a dissatisfied customer may return the goods or stop further purchases and may warn others through internet reviews or personally.