

Describe the conduction of nerve impulse.

1. Nerves are composed of neurons and neuroglia. The neurons are specialized cells capable of creating and transmitting electrochemical impulses.
2. All the information from our environment is picked up by the specialized tips of dendrites of a neuron.
3. This sets off a chemical reaction producing an electrical impulse which travels from dendrite to cell body, from there through the axon (nerve fibre) to its end.
4. At the end of the first axon, the electrical impulse induces release of some chemicals.
5. These chemicals produced go across the small gap (synapse) of 2 - 20nm between the neurons and start a similar electrical impulse in the dendrite of the next neuron.
6. The impulses travel in body in the above manner from the neurons and are delivered to the muscle cell or glands.
7. When an action or movement has to be brought about, the muscle tissue does the final job. Muscle cells possess special kinds of proteins which are capable of bringing about change in their shape and make the cell capable to respond to the nervous electrical impulses.