A hexadecimal number is a string
of hexadecimal digits
Digits A, B, C, D, E, F represent
the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15
Hexadecimal is popular in the
computer field because it can be used to concisely represent a long string of
binary digits
Consider a 16 digit binary
Break this up into groups of 4:
1011 0001
1100 0101
Convert each group of 4 into
11 1
12 3
Then convert each decimal number
into hex:
And you now have the number: Baker
1 Charlie 3
Able = A = 10 = 1010
Baker = B = 11 = 1011
Charlie = C = 12 = 1100
Dog = D = 13 = 1101
Easy = E = 14 = 1110
Fox = F = 15 = 1111
By the same token, the HEX number
represents the binary string: