
Express the following statements in symbolic form: assuming the first part of each statement as p and the second part as q:

31. Either 64 is a perfect square or 46 is a prime number.
p ˅ q

32. 3 + 5 > 7 if and only if 4 + 6 < 10.
p ↔ q

33. If a sequence is bounded then it is convergent.
p → q

34. If a function is differentiable then it is continuous.
p → q

35. If Rome is in Italy then Paris is in France.
p → q

36. Neither 21 is a prime number not it is divisible by 3.
~ p ˄ ~ q

37. If a person is social, then he is happy.
p → q

38. If a person not social, then he is not happy.
~p → ~q

39. If a person is unhappy, then he is not social.
~p → ~q

40. If a person is happy, then he is social.
p → q

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