

How to Make Money with Google AdSense

Understanding Google AdSense

Google AdSense Program is just amazing and everybody is interested in it. The reason is to make money but making money with Google AdSense is not just a play of kids. Let us first understand what Google AdSense is and how it works?
Of course you are not alone who is interested to make money with Google AdSense. Everybody desires to have some part time income from it. Some are even getting full Time….So here I will tell you about AdSense Program and how it works to give money to its publishers.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a simple, easy and free way for publishers of websites, Blogs, and revenue sharing sites like hubpage and of any size to earn money online by displaying ads targeted by Google on their Blogs or websites. As many visitors your site has, the chance of earning money increasing.
Google AdSense has a powerful system to analyze your pages automatically match the best advertisement with the content on your Web Pages. Infect the ads displayed by Google AdSense are magically pretty relevant to your content.

How Google AdSense Works ?-----Behind the Scenes Story

Behind the scenes, Google AdSense works like this.

·        An advertiser login to AdWords system and creates one or more Ads that he wants to be appeared not only in Google’s Search pages but also on content pages. Of course he or she has to pay for this service. The interesting thing is that advertiser will only pay to Google when the ads are clicked by users or customers. That’s why it is also called pay PPC or pay per click.

·        When a customer clicks on an advertisement, publisher gets from Google AdSense a percentage of the total amount that the advertiser pays Google to display his advertisements. So what this percentage is, Google AdSense will never tell you.

Money Making Example:

Let’s understand it with an example. Say, an advertises pays $1.00 to Google when a visitor clicks on his ads, Google will then pay a percentage of that amount to you, may be $0.20 or more.
However, $0.20 doesn’t seem enough but if your site has a thousand visitors a week, and few hundred of them click your Google AdSense Advertisements then there is a possibility that you can easily make money up to $50 or much more from your website every week and above all, having to do no work other than adding AdSense code to your website pages at first place. I think now it sounds good!

AdSense is simple and easy to go. You never ever have to negotiate with advertisers, and even you will not have any bill at all, instead you’ll get a nice small check from Google corporate.

How to Get Going With Google AdSense program
So you have an introduction of Google AdSense and how it works. Now we should proceed further. To make money with Google AdSense, there are few steps required to get going actually will Google AdSense program.

Step 1: First, you have to sign up with AdSense program. After signup, AdSense will ask about your website or blog where you want to incorporate AdSense to display ads. Please note not every website is approved by Google AdSense, however, ensures your website or blog has unique and valuable content with good design.

Step 2: So once you get your AdSense account approval, It is time to sign in and configure your AdSense Advertisements.

Click on tab "AdSense for Content" and you are now ready for configuration your ads. Don’t be panic, configuration is very easy, and you will have fun.

Now, don't worry: configuration is pretty easy. You just need to pick colors, sizes, and other required setting. Very simple one!

Step 3: After clicking on tab “AdSense for Content” next step will be the decision of advertisement type on your web pages served by Google to display.

Step 4: The next step is to decide the specification of format and your AdSense ad layout. There are amazing numbers of various sizes and format options available. Google has also provided a helpful AdSense Ad Reference Page for understanding of all the formats and believe me its worth a lot.

Step 5: After picking an ad layout size which you can change at any time, now it’s time to start the most fun of changing your ad color scheme by yourself. I would suggest you to select a border color similar to the background color of your web pages. It will certainly help people, hopefully, to click on the ads rather not glass over them. And click on ads a bit more frequently means more money online. I think you have understood what I want to say J
Even so, you can also use built-in color schemes provided by AdSense as they are nice too. However, you must experiment with different color schemes and sizes and analyze if you get more percentage of clicks and greater revenue. Why you should not try to change your ad color scheme every Sunday night and then track week by week what gets more money for you?  

Step 6:  Next step is to specify an alternate of your Ad URL or Color, and a specific ad channel.

Step 5: Now you have made all the settings and configuration that you need and its time to get the HTM code snippet that’ll use to generate the Ads block on your own website or blog!
Finally, you've made all the settings you need, and it's time to grab the HTML snippet that'll generate the ad block on your own site!

Your specific code will be a bit different from the code you see in the above screen shot, but AdSense code will normally look identical. So, select all code in the box and then copy/past AdSense code in your website template. Save your template and reload it on your web site and That’s it. You are now ready to make money with Google AdSense.

Finally, You have Your AdSense Ads.
Save your template and rebuild your site, or, if it's just a page, save the page back onto the server and bring it up in your web browser. That's it! Remember to do not click on your Adsense Ads by yourself; it is a violation of Google Adsense terms and conditions. You can be kicked out from AdSense program by Google if you do the same. And obviously this is not the right way to earn money.

So why are you waiting? 

Sign up for AdSense program and turn your web site or blog into a revenue generation system. So happy earning while making money with Google Adsense!