

Importance of directing.

Introduction: - Directing is a process in which the managers instruct, guide, communicate, inspire, motivate and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process.  Planning, organizing, staffing has no importance if directing function does not take place. It is a continues process initiated at top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy (ladder). A few philosophers call Direction as “Life spark of an enterprise”.

Definition: - “Directing is what has to be done and in what manner through dictating the procedures and policies for accomplishing performance standards”.                 Defined by… (Earnest Date)

Importance of Directing are as follows:

1. Initiates Action: Directing function is a point from where the action starts, subordinates understand their jobs and so according to the instructions given. Whatever plans are made can be implemented only when the actual work starts, the direction becomes beneficial.

2. Integrated Efforts: The superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work. Efforts of every employee towards fulfillment of goals are required. it is through direction the efforts of very department can be related and integrated with others.

3. Means of Motivation: A manager makes use of motivational techniques to improve the performance of subordinates by providing monetary and non – monetary incentives. Motivation is also helpful for the subordinates to give the best of their abilities which ultimately helps  in growth.

4. Provides Stability and Balance: Stability and balance in the organization becomes very important for long term survival. Effective leadership, communication, supervision and motivation provides stability and maintain balance in the different parts of the organisation.

5. Adopting Changes: Directing function helps in making changes in internal and external environment. it is the role of manager to communicate the possible changes very clearly to the subordinates like new technology, production techniques, management policies, etc.

6. Efficient Utilization of Resources: Directing helps to utilize all the resources to the optimum level. Proper direction helps the employees, gives guidance and motivation in a right manner which reduces wastages and increased efficiency. This also helps in maximum possible utilization of resources of men, machine, material, methods and money.