


1)      Correct information : While handling correspondence with the members the secretary must ensure that factually correct information is provided to the members. Every care should be taken while giving facts; and figures Any mistake in providing information may create problems. It is also improper to provide wrong information or incomplete information to the members.
2)      Lucid language : Secretary must use simple words, simple sentences and adopt convincing style of letter writing. Technical words should be avoided as fas as possible. Words having double meaning should not be used. Similarly writing of long and complicated sentences should also be avoided. A letter should be written in such a way that a member will get clear idea immediately after reading a letter. It should be easy to understand.
3)      Prompt replies : The secretary must be prompt in sending replies to the letters received from : the members. There should not be unnecessary delay in giving replies to the letters received from members. Complaint letters should be promptly attended to. In fact prompt replies to letters means nothing but a matter of courtesy, an acknowledgement on behalf of company.
4)      Secrecy : The secretary is a custodian of confidential matters. He should not disclose any confidential information to the members. Some members may be interested in knowing certain secret information, but the secretary should tactfully turn down their enquiries.
5)      Politeness : It means use of courteous language. Rude and abusive language should be strictly avoided while corresponding with members. A complaint letter should be replied politely. The approach of the letter should be courteous, skillful, submissive and friendly.
6)      Legal matters : The secretary should pay more attention to legal aspects while writing these letters. The contents of such letters should be true, correct and definite. The secretary should strictly follow relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1956 and other relevant Acts. While drafting these letters, if necessary he should consult with legal adviser on certain points.
7)      Consideration : The secretary must have considerate approach towards members. While sending negative replies, he should draft these letters carefully. So that the members concerned would not be hurt. He should make the members feel that the management honestly regrets refusal. This tone of the letter is essential for effective communication with the members.
8)      Image of the company : The secretary should try to create good image of the company in the minds of its members. While writing the letters he should help the members in removing their doubts, queries and difficulties with polite and courteous presentation.