Adverbs of degree or quantity
Adverbs of degree answer the question ‘how much’ or ‘in what
degree’ or ‘to
extent’. Examples are: very, too, fully,
quite, rather, enough, any, partly, almost, utterly, as, entirely etc.

Adverbs of reason
Adverbs of reason answer the question ‘why?’. Examples are: therefore, hence, consequently etc.

Adverbs of affirmation or negation
Examples are: surely, certainly, not, probably, indeed

Interrogative adverbs
which are used for asking questions are called interrogative adverbs. Examples are: when, where, how, why etc.

Relative adverbs
Read the following sentences:
Do you know the place where the meeting will be held?
In this sentence, where is an adverb as it modifies the verb will be held. Where is also a relative as it connects the two
clauses of the sentence and at the same time refers back to its antecedent,
place. Where is therefore called a relative adverb. Note that a relative
adverb connects an adjective clause to the main clause.