
Discuss the role of Narmada Bachao Andolan in protecting human rights.

1. Sardar Sarovar Project.
The project was originally conceived way back in the year 1946. It is the largest project of its kind in India. The project covers 3 states namely, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and involves the construction of 30 larger dams, 35 medium sized dams and 3000 small dams. The project after its completion by the year 2001 was expected
to serve as an important source for drinking water, irrigation and power for vast areas of northern Gujarat. The project will submerge 90000 hectors of land. The submergence of 245 villages. 19 in Gujarat, 33 in Maharashtra and ...
The project will result in the displacement of over a million people, mostly tribal

2. Human Right Violation of Project Effected Population.
The displacement of such a vast majority of population, without provision for
a. Adequate compensation to them
b. Their proper resettlement and rehabilitation
c. Adequate means of their livelihood is a glaring case of violation of basic human    rights of the project affected population.

Further, when repression is employed, to silence the voice of protest and resistance to their forceful eviction from their occupied lands and their demand for adequate compensation, it amounts to total denial of their democratic rights. Often the police open fire on innocent people who made such protest and resistance in the case of the Narmada Project. Many innocent people were illegally arrested, detained and beaten mercilessly.

3. The Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) for the affected people. It originated as an environmental movement. However, it soon turned to be a human rights movement for the cause of the Narmada Affected people.

4. International Protest against Human Rights Violations of Narmada Affected People.
a. Protest from Asia Watch:
Violation of Human Rights of the Narmada affected people caused international protest from Asia Watch, an international NGO working in human rights areas. They highlighted the illegal asserts and beatings of innocent people.

b. Protest from United Nations Human Rights Commission

The violation of human rights of the Narmada affected people, invited the attention of UN HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSION. They adopted a resolution entitled 'Forced Evictions' which condemned the forcible displacement of the tribal.