

History & Political Science March 2014 Board Paper With Solution

Q1. A. Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given in the brackets:  (3)

1. King ______________ of Portugal motivated navigation. (William, Henry, Nicholas)

2. The German constitution enacted after the First World War was known as _____________ (Genro, Nazism, Weimer)

3. The movement of international trade began in __________ (Asia, Africa, Europe)

B. Match the correct pairs: (3)

Group A                   Group B

(1) France                 (i) Apollo - 11
(2) Russia (USSR)    (ii) Pondicherry (Puducherry)
(3) China                  (iii) Sputnik - I
                                 (iv) Canton

Q2. Answer each of the following questions in 25 to 30 words: (Any Two)  (4)

1. How was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party established in the year 1898?

2. What were the objectives of the League of Nations?

3. Write about the revolutionary activities of India during its freedom struggle.

Q3. Give reasons for the following statements in 25 to 30 words each: (Any two) (4)

1. Dr. Homi Bhabha is known as the father of Indian Atomic Age.

2. The decline of Tokugawa Shogunate began.

3. America declared war against Germany on 6th April, 1917.

Q4. Answer the following questions in 40 to 50 words each. (Any two) 6

1. How did Hitler acquire power in Germany?

2. Give information about the foundation of the UN.

3. Write about the Jallianwala Baugh Massacre.

Q5. Answer the following questions in 60 to 80 words each. (Any two) (8)

1. What are the advantages of globalization?

2. Write the effects of the First World War.

3. Write about the Treaty of Nanking.

Q6. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from those given in the brackets: (3)

1. Constitutional amendment in Australia is brought by ______________ (plebiscite, referendum, recall, initiative)

2. Diversity makes society more __________ (intolerant, tolerant, dangerous, equal)

3. In the absence of _____________, political equality can become meaningless. (affluence, social equality, country's progress, vigilance)

Q7. Answer the following questions in one sentence each: (Any three) (3)

1. What is the main aim of the political party?

2. Why is representative democracy inevitable?

3. What is federal system of government?

4. What responsibility does democracy take up in situations of economic inequality?

5. Name the countrie sin the world where political parties are banned.

Q8. State whether the following statements are true or false with reasons: (Any two) (4) 

1. There is no real democracy in China.

2. Ther is no restrictions on citizens holding arms in the U.S.

3. Every society is uniform in all respects.

Q9. Answer the following questions in 25 to 30 words. (Any one) (2) 

(1) 'Political parties are a link between the government and the people'. Explain.

(2) Why is it said that the nature of government is complex?