1. Registration of co - operative society is _____________
a. Compulsory
b. Optional
c. Not necessary
2. A member who fulfils all the conditions of membership is called as _________ member.
a. Regular
b. Associate
c. Nominal
3. Sending information or thoughts from one person to another in written form is called as _________
a. Correspondence
b. Post Script
c. Enclosure
4. The Joint Registrar is appointed at ____________ level.
a. Taluka
b. Divisional
c. State
5. The first general meeting is called by _____________ of the society.
a. Auditors
b. Registrar
c. Promoter.
B. Match the correct pairs : - [5]
Group A
Group B
a. Internal Audit
b. First Co – operative Bank in
c. Short term Loans
d. National Co – operative Union
e. Idea of Privatization of Public
Sector Undertaking.
1. Highest Level Union in the
2. Highest Level Union in the
3. Peter Drucker
4. Not Mandatory
5. Mandatory
6. 5-2-1889
7. 5-2-1892
8. Loans provided between 3 to 15
9. Loans provided between 1 to 5
10. Elton Mayo.
C. Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute each of the statements: (5)
1. Certificate issued after the registration of co - operative society.
2. A person who manages the work of a meeting in absence of a chairman.
3. Name and address of the receiver of the letter.
4. Officer appointed to assist the Commissioner and Registrar of Co - operation.
5. The written record of resolution passed and decision taken at a meeting.
(1) Regular Member and Associate Member.
Q3. Write short notes (Attempt any three) : (15)