



There's no specific color, height or weight for stray dogs. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and the only factor that separates a stray dog out of the House the dog a little problem property. All dogs, with the exception of the few who has the genetic mutations are born with four legs. In addition, there is little in the way of similitude.

They may have bulging eyes or eye beads. Ears can be long and hair or tall and upright. The body of a dog can be short, long, compact, or slender. Tails-scrub, curly, or missing it all depends on the pedigree of the animal.

Main identifiers for stray dogs are the external condition of the animal body. Vagrant animals will probably be exhausted with the visible structure of bone or a grotesque bloated belly, although pot bellies indicate overload of the parasite, and not a sign of nutrition. hair of the stray dogs to be untidy and probably dirty.
More animal hair will be covered with mats and tangles. Some breeds will have an artificial eye or nose. Stray dog nails can be so long they have pillow paws. In General, the overall look of contempt will be accompanied by a stray dog.


Rural free-ranging dogs that rarely if ever leave a settlement are called village dogs. They are considered neither wild nor feral, and have less impact on the surrounding ecosystem than other rural free-ranging dogs.

They pose a different set of environmental pressures than feral or wild dogs, or even free-ranging farm dogs. Experts on the behavior of early and primitive dogs have also noted Physical and behavioral differences between village dogs and other more feral free-ranging dogs. For example, village dogs tend to be smaller and occur more often alone or in pairs.

Village dogs include the African village dog and East Asian village dog, two types that were the earliest to be domesticated.


Experts in the area of free-ranging dog control sometimes distinguish between stray dogs and feral dogs. Stray refers to lost and abandoned pets, or others that had socialized to humans before taking to the free-ranging life—and feral to dogs that have lived all their lives apart from people.

This distinction is important to them, because stray dogs can be relatively easily taken into captivity, whereas feral dogs are more fearful and difficult to keep as pets, and so are more often captured, spayed or neutered, and released back into the parks, vacant lots, and other hiding places on the margins of human society where they are most commonly found.

Feral, (from Middle French feral "wild," from Latin fera, in phrase fera bestia "uild animal," from ferus "wild"), implies the progeny of formerly domesticated animals, run wild, having escaped from domestication.

Feral dogs include the second generation offspring of former strays which, having had little or no contact or bonding with humans, may have formed pack communities and reverted to instinctive canine behaviors. They may scavenge for food on the periphery of human populations.

In other contexts, and generally in Indian English, the term "stray dog" covers both feral dogs and dogs that have strayed from their owners.

India has a population of feral dogs numbering in the tens of millions, the highest in the world, and millions of people are bitten every year, with about 20,000 people dying annually from rabies.

When discussing these issues in the Indian context, distinctions between stray and feral dogs are less clear or important, so the term "stray dog" is used to cover both stray and feral dogs, and to distinguish them from the wild dog of India.

Two Canid species have common names specifically calling them 'wild dogs', but are entirely different species from 'domestic dogs' (Canis lupus familiaris): Lycaon pictus,the African wild dog, and Cuon alpinus, the dhole, also called the 'Indian wild dog'. They are not closely related to each other or to true dogs, but may be commonly called simply 'wild dogs' locally or when the species or geographical location is already known or implied.


Stray dog could live almost anywhere people live. In rare cases, stray dogs can join Coyote packs. Wolves are less tolerant of dogs and most likely would kill crazy, which is included in the package.
Stray dogs live on the outskirts of mankind and because of this they usually with suspicion and distrust of people. Stray dogs within the city or town shall live wherever they can. Like all other animals, they want to be dry and safe in a relatively quiet area.

This instinct for protection makes the bottom of the deck and porches for stray dogs to live. These dogs have been known to climb into the drain pipes and sewers to find adequate living space. Most often, stray dog will be nomadic, rarely find a place that is safe for a long period of time.

Canine companionship is not uncommon in stray dogs. In large areas with countless stray dogs, packages can form a pack of stray dogs will have a hierarchy similar to wolves, Alpha Dog of the sending of the flock next door. Stray dogs are less stringent, on the role of men in comparison with women in the alpha position. Any dog of either sex may hold office until another contender not to displace them.

Since many of the stray dogs in the world once owned, some are sterilized. Those who can multiply in a position to do as often as every four months. Dogs can breed at any time of the ear. Litter size depends on the breed, but may have as many as 14 puppies.

Stray Dog Diet

It is generally and widely thought of as carnivores, but they are not obligated to diet only... a homeless dog will eat almost anything that people might classify as edible, including vegetables, fruit, candy or fast food. the most important factor in the diet of the smell of Fragrant sugar bowl. fruit is more enticing than the garden fresh piece of broccoli. When desperate, homeless dogs often eat plastic containers that smell like food.

Stray Dog Fears Trouble

Strays pose a serious threat to humans and pets. homeless dog ranks high on the list of rabies carriers due to illegible sky Fang, which may lead to consumption of rabies-infected mammal. Stray dogs are often afraid of people. This fear can cause serious injury if a dog backed into a corner of feels threatened. House pets are often victims in fights with stray dogs, and organized packages will prey on domestic animals in enclosures nearby. Homeowners also worry about cleaning the streets paved with garbage after a stray dog wandered.


The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.

Although initially thought to have originated as a manmade variant of an extant canid species (variously supposed as being the dhole, golden jackal, or gray wolf), extensive genetic studies undertaken during the 2010s indicate that dogs diverged from other wolf-like canids in Eurasia 40,000 years ago. Being the oldest domesticated animals, their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior, as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet which would be inadequate for other canid species.

Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend" in the Western world. In some cultures, however, dogs are a source of meat.