
You are the proprietor of a furniture company . Write a letter to a customer who has been nice and sweet to you .

Dear Mrs . Thomas ,

In these days , all of us have troubles of our own , and when someone takes time off to write as nice a letter as you did , it is just wonderful . It is so unusual . I cannot help admiring it . You certainly have been nice about it .

I am very glad to note that you are so pleased with the sofa set we made for you . I notice that you thank me for the fine service , good work , prompt delivery , etc . Surely that is not necessary , Mrs. Thomas , you know that in order to hold an account , we have to give good service and give work – and besides , that is what we are getting paid for ! Still , it is nice to know that our efforts are apreciated .

I hope that one of these days you will come with another nice order for furniture .

With the kindest of wishes ,

                                                                                                                                                          Sincerely yours ,

                                                                                                                                                ( M.G.Ramachandran )

                                                                                                                                                                  Proprietor .