
Q.I (D) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false write the corrected statement :

1. The resemblances and the differences are due to heredity.
Ans. True.
2. Father and mother contribute equal quantity of genetic material to the child.
Ans. True.
3. Recessive character is the one which masks or hides its dominant partner.
Ans. False. Dominant character is the one which masks or hides its recessive
4. Chance of the child being a male or female is 50 percent.
Ans. True.
5. All children inherit ‘X’ chromosome from their father.
Ans. False. All children inherit ‘X’ chromosome from their mother.
6. In human males two similar ‘Y’ chromosomes are present.
Ans. False. In human males two dissimilar chromosomes are present, longer
‘X’ and shorter ‘Y’.
7. Sex reversal is possible in all animals.
Ans. False. Sex reversal is possible only in certain fishes, amphibians and birds.
8. Organs which are functionally similar but fundamentally unlike are called
homologous organs.
Ans. False. Organs which are functionally different but fundamentally similar
are called homologous organs.
9. When F1 generation plants undergo self pollination they give rise to second
filial generation (F2).
Ans. True.
10. The sex of the offspring is determined by the chromosome that they inherit
from their mother.
Ans. False. The sex of the offspring is determined by the chromosome that they

inherit from their father.