View: watching TV
affects the imaginative power of the children- It also affects the thinking
capacity. No wonder it is called the ‘idiot box’- It is a sheer waste of time-
TV watching is mostly done at the cost of good habits like reading.
Counterviews: TV is
wonderful invention, and like any other invention it must not be misused. For
that matter, bookworms are not better than couch potatoes. As far imaginative
power, there is no conclusive evidence to prove that TV adversely affects the imaginative
power. On the contrary, the viewers are exposed to fantastic visuals and they,
in turn, trigger of the imagination. Further there are a good number of
programs which challenge the thinking power of the viewer. We all know that
quiz programmes where great hits on TV. Many such programmes have participatory
elements and they, in my view, enhance our thinking skills. Reading habit among
children may be on the decline. For reasons we must look elsewhere. Throwing
the TV set out of the window is not a solution. And then again, there are good
books and bad books. Reading trash is as bad as watching poor quality TV
programmes. All these boils down to one thing: reading, watching TV, playing
games are all parts of our life. Too much of anything is bad, and that goes for
TV also.