
Write a story based on the following title: “Say ‘No’ to corruption!’

Say ‘No’ to Corruption!

Shantidevi lived in a chawl and had to work hard to make both ends meet. She wanted admission for her daughter in a municipal school. However, when she approached the headmaster of the local school, he agreed to give the admission provided she paid him Rs.5000/-

Shantidevi was faced with a dilemma. She knew that if she borrowed from some people she knew, she would be able to make up the required sum, and reply it over a period of time. There were people in her neighbourhood who were willing to help her and who told her that she had no choice but to pay. However, Shantidevi was strongly resentful of the very idea of having to pay a bribe.

Firmly, she came to a decision. She approached the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in her locality and acquainted them with the situation. They advised her to arrange for the money and when she did, the notes were marked. Then, along with one of the women officers of the Bureau, she went to the school and approached the Principal. She handed over the bundle of notes to him. He took them, counted out the money and put them into the drawer. Then he signed a letter giving her child admission to the school. Immediately, the lady officer with Shantidevi informed him of her credentials and announced that he was under arrest for the corrupt practice of accepting a bribe.

Shantidevi was praised for her action. She had, in no uncertain terms, said ‘no’ to corruption. Our nation requires more people like Shantidevi to rid it of the malaise of corruption.