Areas of Policies
The following is a list of areas in which different policies may be adopted by different enterprises :
- Valuation of Inventories.
- Cash Flow Statement.
- Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance Sheet date.
- Depreciation Accounting.
- Construction Contracts.
- Net Profit or Loss for the Period prior period items and changes in Accounting Policies.
- Revenue Recognition.
- Accounting for Fixed Assets.
- The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.
- Accounting for Govt. Grants.
- Accounting for Investments.
- Accounting for Amalgamations.
- Employees Benefit.
- Borrowing Costs.
- Segment Reporting.
- Related Party Disclosures.
- Leases.
- Earning Per Share.
- Consolidated Financial Statements.
- Accounting for Taxes on Income.
- Accounting for Investment in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements.
- Discontinuing Operations.
- Interim Financial Reporting.
- Intangible Assets.
- Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures.
- Impairment of Assets.
- Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
AS 1 requires that :
- All significant accounting policies adopted by the enterprise should be disclosed.
- Such disclosure should form part of financial statements and should be at one place.