
How to prepare for board exam when less time is left

How to prepare for board exam when less time is left

#1 Make a timetable: When too little time is left, the first thing you must focus on is- time management. And one of the fundamentals associated with time management is creating a good time table and making use of the time in a good way. Time is precious. Especially when you have less time left in your hands, strive to make the best use of it!

Make a time table such that each and every hour is put to best use. At the same time, don’t go for unrealistic targets. Try to make the time table as realistic and attainable as possible.

#2 Cut time wasting factors out of your life: Even if you make a timetable, a sensible one, there will be many hurdles and obstacles that are capable of putting that time table into a disarray. Examples of such obstacles are- gadgets like mobile phones, Computers etc.

We all know how addictive and time wasting such things can be. Try to avoid such things. Hand over mobile phone to your parents. Cut the internet connection. By doing so, you are effectively eliminating distractions.

#3 Prepare chapters according to the weight of marks:

It happens that some chapters/some set of problems carry more marks. Some set of questions are featured regularly in exams and carry lots of marks, when compared to other chapters.

It makes sense to prepare such ‘heavyweight’ chapters first, with much care and effort. Doing so, you are making the best use of the time you have in your hand!

#4 Use group study to tackle tough subjects/topics

While studying, you will come across many subjects/topics/sections, which you will have much trouble dealing with. In such cases, mark those parts and move on. Later, arrange a group study session and try to learn those parts from your friends, who are good at those topics!

#5 Find time to relax too

Earlier, I mentioned how making a ‘realistic’ time table was of utmost importance. A good time table must have time dedicated towards relaxing also.

You may relax by taking a stroll, taking part in stress busting activities etc. But such activities shouldn’t consume much time either!