


Distinguish between the following (any three) 15

Dematerialization and Rematerialisation.

Equity shares and Preference Shares.

Final dividend and Interim dividend.

Fixed capital and Working capital.

Letter of allotment and Letter of regret

Money market and Capital market.

Primary market and Secondary Market.

Share and Debenture.

Share certificate and Share warrant.

Shareholders and Debenture holders.

Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.


3. Write Short Notes on (any three) 15

Acceptance of deposits.

Advantages of public

Deposit for a company.

Bombay Stock Exchange.

Bonus issue

Capital structure and its components.

Conditions for issue of debentures.

Conditions of valid allotment.

Constituents and concepts in Depository System.

Contents of the share certificate.


Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)

Features of equity shares.

Features of shares

Functions of S.E.B.I.

Functions of stock exchange.

Employee stock option scheme.

Importance of Depository system.

Importance of financial planning

Methods/Procedures of redemption of debentures..

Procedure for conversion of debentures.

Provisions regarding unclaimed / unpaid dividend.

Renewal of deposits.

Repayment of Deposits

Retained profits.

Share certificate

Share warrant.

Statutory conditions of allotment of shares.

Trade credit

Types of Debentures.


4. State, with reason, whether the following statements are True or False. (any three) 15

A company can accept deposits repayable on demand.

A private company can accept deposits from public.

Convertible debentures can be converted into equity shares.

Debenture holders are creditors of the company.

Debenture holders are the owners of the company.

Depositors- approval is must for renewal of deposit.

Dividend can be paid on advance amount of calls received.

Equity shareholders are real owners and controllers of the company. Transfer of shares is initiated by the company.

Financial management is essential for all types of organisation.

Handling demat shares is very time consuming.

It is not possible to go ahead without a financial plan.

No dividend can be declared without making provisions for reserves and depreciation.

Preference shareholders do not enjoy normal voting rights.

Public deposit is good source for long term financing.

Requirement of working capital does not depend upon any factor.

Right shares are issued in general public.

Debentures are never redeemed by the company.

Rights shares are issued to the general public.

Share certificate is a bearer document.

Share transfer in depository mode is fast & economical.

Shares in physical form cannot be converted into electronic form.

Stock exchanges reflect financial progress of the company.

The bond holders are owners of the company.

The holder of share warrant may not be given full rights of membership.

The objective of SEBI is to protect interest of the companies.

The rate of interim dividend is greater than final dividend.

There are no legal provisions regarding payment of dividend.

Transfer of shares is initiated by the company.


5. Attempt the following: (Any Two) 10

Draft a Letter of Allotment to debenture holders.

Draft a letter of debenture holder informing him about redemption of debentures.

Draft a letter of thanks to a depositor of a company.

Draft a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures to the debenture holder.

Draft a letter to a depositor informing him about payment of interest.

Draft a letter to a depositor regarding repayment of his deposit.

Draft a letter to debenture holder informing him about redemption of debentures.

Draft a letter to depositor for renewal of deposit.

State the characteristics of money market.

State the contents of a share certificate.

State the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend.

State the preliminary steps in the issue of shares.

Under what circumstances secretary will enter into correspondence to debenture holders?

What are the contents of share certificate?

What are the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend?

What are the points to be borne in mind by the secretary while writing letters to the members?

What are the points to be borne in mind while writing letters to the members?

What is letter of allotment of shares? What are its contents?

Write a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures.

Write a letter to a debenture holder informing him about conversion of debentures into equity shares.

Write a letter to the debenture holder informing him/her about conversion of debentures into equity shares.

Write features of shares.

Write the external factors influencing capital structure.


6. Answer the following: (Any one) 10


Define -debenture- and explain the types of debentures.

Define a preference share. Explain the different types of preference shares.

Define Equity Shares and Explain its features.

Define preference shares.

Draft a letter informing about allotment of shares.

Draft a letter of regret to the share applicant.

Draft a notice of dividend.

Explain various types of preference shares.

What is debenture? State the features of debentures.

What is equity share? Explain the features of equity


What is equity shares? State its Features.

Write a letter of regret to a share applicant.

Write a letter to a shareholder regarding issue of bonus shares.




Define / Explain the following concepts. (Any Three)

Autonomous consumption

Average revenue

Bank Rate

Central bank

Clearing House.

Cross Elasticity of demand.

Disposable income

Effective Demand

Elasticity of supply


General equilibrium

Government budget.

Individual Economic unit.

Individual demand

Induced Consumption Expenditure



Macroeconomic variables



Market Demand



National income

Price discrimination.

Pure competition

Relatively elastic supply

Repo rate

Resource allocation

Reverse Repo Rate

Selling Cost

Service utility

Slicing method


Token coins

Total output

Unitary elastic demand.

Give reasons or explain the following (Any Three) (6)


A deficit budget may prove useful during the period of depression.

Agricultural goods are exceptions to the law of supply.

All desires are not demand.

An entrepreneur is called a leader of the organization.

Autonomous investment is not directly linked with profit.

Cash reserve ratio (CRR) affects the lending capacity of banks.

Central Bank has the sole power of issuing currency notes.

Central bank acts as a lender of the last resort of commercial banks.

Change in the price of substitute goods affects the demand for another goods.

Demand for habitual goods is normally inelastic.

Demand for the commodity having multiple uses has elastic demand.

Effective demand is also called macroeconomics equilibrium.

In order to avoid double counting, value added approach is used.

Labour cannot be stored.

Macroeconomic is also known as income and employment theory.

Macroeconomics is concerned with macro economic variables.

Macroeconomics is the study of aggregates.

Micro economic theories are based on certain assumptions.

Microeconomics deals with allocation of resources.

Microeconomics is useful to the government.

Microeconomics studies behaviours of individual economic unit.

Microeconomics studies individual economic unit.

Old age pension is transfer income.

Paid services are included in national income.

Perfectly inelastic demand curve is parallel to OY axis.

Price discrimination is possible under monopoly.

Rate of Interest on fixed deposits is high.

Rate of interest on fixed deposit is high.

Services of housewives are excluded from national income.

Supply is directly related to price.

Supply of land is perfectly inelastic.

The Central Bank may take direct action against the defaulting commercial banks.

The propensity to save depends upon the level of income.

Theories of micro economics are based on certain assumptions.

There are many subjective factors that determine consumption function.

Unpaid services are not included in national income.

Utility has no ethical consideration.

Utility is a relative concept.

Utility is ethically neutral.

With the increase in income, both consumption and savings increase.


Distinguish between (Any Three) (6)


Average Revenue and Average cost

Central Bank and Commercial Bank.

Convertible paper money and Inconvertible paper money.

Demand curve and supply curve

Desire and demand

Direct Tax and Indirect Tax.

Direct demand and Indirect demand.

Expansion of demand and Increase in demand.

Extension of supply and contraction of supply.- - - - 

Form Utility and Time Utility.

Gross National Product and Net National Product

Gross domestic products at market price and Gross domestic product at factor cost.

Increase in demand and Decrease in Demand.

Increase in supply and Decrease in supply.

Individual demand and Market demand

Individual supply and Market supply

Land and Capital

Legal tender money and Non -€“ legal tender money.

Metallic money and paper money

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

Paper Money and Metallic Coins.

Partial equilibrium and General equilibrium.

Percentage method of measuring elasticity of supply and Geometric method of measuring elasticity of supply.

Personal income and National Income

Place utility and Time utility.

Relatively more elastic demand and relatively less elastic demand.

Revenue budget and Capital budget.

Revenue expenditure and Capital Expenditure.

Slicing method and Lumping method.

Standard coins and Token Coins.

Stock and Supply.

Surplus Budget and Deficit Budget.

Total Cost and Total Revenue.


Write Short Notes (Any Two) (6)


Credit creation.

Determination of equilibrium price under perfect competition.

Difficulties in Barter system.

Factors determining elasticity of demand.

Feature of Micro Economic.

Features of Land.

Features of Monopolistic Competition.

Features of monopoly.

Functions of an Entrepreneur.

Giffen-s paradox.

Historical review of microeconomics.

Importance of micro economics.

Importance of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Income elasticity of demand.

Microscopic study.

Price determination under perfect competition.

Proportional method of measuring elasticity of demand.

Qualities of an Entrepreneur.

Ratio method of measuring price elasticity of demand.

Revenue Receipts.

Risk and uncertainty bearing function of an entrepreneur.

Significance of price elasticity of demand.

Subject matter of microeconomics.

Total expenditure method of measuring Elasticity of Demand.

Types of Monopoly.

Types of capital.

Types of loans of commercial bank.

Types of monopoly.


Write short answers for the following questions (Any Three) (12)

Explain different types of loans and advances provided by commercial banks.

Explain features of National Income.

Explain features of utility

Explain qualitative measures of credit control adopted by the Central Bank.

Explain the Law of Demand.

Explain the agency function of Commercial Bank.

Explain the budget expenditure of the government.

Explain the circular flow of National Income

Explain the components of government budget.

Explain the determinants of aggregate demand.

Explain the features of monopolistic competition.

Explain the features of monopoly.

Explain the features of perfect competition.

Explain the importance of elasticity of demand.

Explain the importance of the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.

Explain the increase in supply and decrease in supply.

Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Explain the relationship between Total utility and Marginal utility.

Explain the secondary function of money.

Explain the subject matter of Microeconomics.

Explain the subject matter of macroeconomics.

Explain the types of government budget.

Explain the types of utility.

Explain the various types of deposits.

Explain various types of Bank Deposits.

Explain various types of investment expenditure.

State the determinants of aggregate demand.

What are the characteristics of utility?

What are the determinants of aggregate supply?

What are the features of Macro Economics?

What are the features of -microeconomics-?

What are the features of -pure competition-?

What are the main components of budget?

What are the primary functions of commercial bank?

What are the types of budget?

What is the importance of the study of Microeconomics?

Q5. Explain with reasons whether you -agree- or -disagree- with the following statements (Any Three) (12)

Aggregate demand depends only on the consumption expenditure.

Aggregate supply is influenced only by availability of natural resources.

Barter system did not have any difficulty.

Bank rate is a quantitative measure of credit control.

Cash reserve ratio is a quantitative measure of credit control.

Central Bank do not adopt quantitative measures of credit control.

Central Bank does not work as a banker to the government.

Central Bank is a profit making institution.

Central bank is called the bankers- bank

Commercial Bank provides many general utility services.

Commercial bank can create credit on the basis of primary deposits.

Commercial banks cannot create credit money.

Commercial banks perform agency functions to earn profit.

Commercial banks provide many general utility services.

During the period of inflation surplus budget is advisable.

General acceptability is the only quality of good money.

Good money has many qualities.

Law of Diminishing Marginal utility is important in practice

Money also performs certain contingent functions.

Money performs various functions.

Population is the only determinant factor of demand.

Price elasticity of demand can not be measured by using geometric method.

Price is the only determinant of demand.

Price is the only determinant of supply.

Price is the only factor that affects demand of a commodity

Providing safe deposits vault facility is the only general functions of commercial banks.

Supply curve of labour bends backwards.

Supply curve slopes upward from left to right.

The law of diminishing marginal utility can be explained with the help of schedule and diagram.

The law of equi -€“ marginal utility is based on certain assumptions.

The law of -diminishing marginal utility- is important in practice.

There are many features of labour.

There are no exceptions to the law of demand.

There are no exceptions to the law of supply.

There is difference between Micro Economics and Macro Economics.

There is difference between stock and supply.

There is direct relationship between price and quantity supplied.

There is no difference between the Central bank and a commercial bank.

There is no relationship between marginal utility and total utility.

Various factors influence Elasticity of Demand.

Various factors influence the demand for a commodity.



Q6. Write explanatory answers. (Any Two):-  (16)- - 

Explain any -two methods- of measuring price elasticity of demand.

Explain the practical difficulties involved in the measurement of national income.

State and explain the law of demand with assumptions.

What is elasticity of demand? Explain the types of price elasticity of demand.

Explain Keynesian psychological law of consumption.

Explain in detail -saving function- with schedule and diagram.

What is -elasticity of demand-? Explain the factors determining elasticity of demand.

What is -national income- ? Explain the theoretical difficulties involved in the measurement of national income.

Explain the various methods of measuring national income.

What is aggregate supply? Explain the determinants of aggregate supply.

State and explain in detail the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.

Assumption to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.

Exception to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.

Define perfect competition and explain price determination under perfect competition.

What is Aggregate demand? Explain the determinants of Aggregate demand.

Exception to the Law of Demand

What is perfect competition? Explain price determination under perfect competition.

What is national income. Explain how national income is measured by output method.

Explain Ratio method and Geometric method of measuring price elasticity of demand.

Explain the subjective and objective factors determining consumption function.