

Practical Name: To search your District, City and Residence using E-map E.g. Google Map, Wikimapia

Tools/Software: Computer with Internet Connection and Browser like Mozilla, Chrome, etc.
Description/Theory: Google Map is an interactive computerized geographic map with zooming, route-planning and navigational facilities. It shows aerial or satellite images for most urban areas all over the world and also provides a route planner for driving or walking.
1)   Launch the Browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Chrome.
2)   Go to the webpage. Since your current location is India, the map of India will be centered in the map window. Click on the Correct it link at the left and enter a new location in the text box.
3)   Type the name of your district Mumbai city in the search text box above the map window and click on the Search button or press the Enter key. The program zooms in and marks the district on the map with a border.
4)   Type the name of your area/village in the search text box and click on the Search button.
5)   Use the Pan buttons to move up, down, left and right. Use the Zoom in button to zoom in a place. E.g. Mulund
6)   To search your Residence type the area name and press enter. Then Zoom in to view your residence building.
 7)   Click on the small icon Satellite at the top right corner to see a satellite map of the region. (The icon now reads Map)     
8)   Use Get direction button to get directions to reach a particular destination.

9)   If you are using Wikimapia, you can add linear features to the map. Click on Add Place button on the top left of the Wikimapia window and draw the outline of your residential building. In the window that opens, type the name of your building/house.