
HSC English New Activity Sheet Format for 2019.

Question Paper Format for 2019 Board Exam.

Time: 3 Hours
Marks: 80

Section - I : Prose

[Reading skill, Vocabulary, Grammar, Note - Making and Summary]

Q. 1. A. Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities. [12]
[Seen Prose: Between 250 and 300 words]

Q. 1. B. Grammar. (Non - textual)  [3]

Q. 2. A. Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.  [12]
[Seen Prose: Between 250 and 300 words]

Q. 2. B. Note - Making. [3]

Q. 3. A. Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.  [12]
[Unseen Prose: Between 250 and 300 words]

Q. 3. B. Summary. [3]

Section - II : Poetry

Q. 4. Read the extract and do the activities that follow: [8]
[One Seen extract 12 to 16 lines]

Section - III : Rapid Reading and Composition

Q. 5. A. Read the extract and do the activities that follow: [4]
[One seen extract 200 to 250 words]

Q. 5. B. Read the extract and do the activities that follow. [4]
[One seen extract 200 to 250 words]

Q. 6. A. Write formal letters: [4]
[Application - leave of absence, bonafide certificate, scholarship, concessions, job, etc. ]


[Complaint - City planning, traffic, garbage, pollution, grievances, etc. to authorities or a letter to the editor]

Q. 6. B. Write any ONE of the following. [4]
[Leaflet: Donation, tourism, Yogo / computer class, summer camps, holiday camps, hook club, etc.  ]


[News drafting / Report Writing]

Q. 6. C. Write any ONE of the following.[4]
[ View - counter view ]


[Information Transfer [Non verbal to Verbal] ]

Q. 7. Do the following Activities:  [7]

A.  Set 8 - 10 question to have an interview. [4]
(1) Initial question (2) Content Questions
(3) Probing Questions (3) Closing Question.

B. Drafting Speech. [3]