
Important Rapid Reading Section for Board Exam 2019.

Important Rapid Reading Section for Board Exam 2019.

Section - III : Rapid Reading and Composition

Q. 5. A. Read the extract and do the activities that follow: [4]
[One seen extract 200 to 250 words]

“No let it stay,” said the other boy, “it looks so pretty.”

And so it stayed, and was brought into the lark’s cage. The poor bird was lamenting its lost liberty, and beating its wings against the wires; and the little daisy could not speak or utter a consoling word, much as it would have liked to do so. So the forenoon passed.

“I have no water,” said the captive lark, “they have all gone out, and forgotten to give me anything to drink. My throat is dry and burning. I feel as if I had fire and ice within me, and the air is so oppressive. Alas! I must die, and part with the warm sunshine, the fresh green meadows, and all the beauty that God has created.” And it thrust its beak into the piece of grass, to refresh itself a little. Then it noticed the little daisy, and nodded to it, and kissed it with its beak and said: “You must also fade in here, poor little flower. You and the piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world, which I enjoyed outside. Each little blade of grass shall be a green tree for me, each of your white petals a fragrant flower. Alas! you only remind me of what I have lost.”

“I wish I could console the poor lark,” thought the daisy. It could not move one of its leaves, but the fragrance of its delicate petals streamed forth, and was much stronger than such flowers usually have: the bird noticed it, although it was dying with thirst, and in its pain tore up the green blades of grass, but did not touch the flower.

A. 1. Choose two most appropriate statements related to the theme of the extract: 2

(i) This extract is about sacrifice for true love.
(ii) It is about the bird and the cage.
(iii) It is about sunshine and the beauty of the nature.
(iv) It is about love between lark and daisy.

Ans. (i) this extract is about sacrifice for true love.
(iv) It is about love between lark and daisy.

A. 2. Provide a different ending to the extract in about 50 words.
Ans. the bird and the daisy remained speechless. The bird was on the brink of death. Partying with daisy was against the will of the bird. Though the bird was dying it kissed the flower. The daisy was helpless so it couldn't move forward and give out its fragrance to console the bird. It is an ideal story based on spiritual love.

Q. 5. A. Read the extract and do the activities that follow: [4]
[One seen extract 200 to 250 words]

A week later my mother wrote back: "I didn't look too closely at the skeleton - I like bones to be fully-fleshed if possible - but the police did say it was a woman. Not an old woman, not too young either... There was nothing else in the cupboard except for some chipped or cracked plates and dishes, which have now been thrown away. The shelves were covered with sheets of old newspapers. I've kept these for you."

The newspapers excited me, and I wrote and asked my mother for some details.

"I hope you're preparing for your exams," she wrote back. "After all, there's not much we can do about a skeleton that's been hidden away for ten or fifteen years. Anyway, there were two newspapers in the cupboard. The Daily Chronicle, published from Delhi on January 18, 1930, is complete. That was four years before you were born. The main headline refers to the ‘Bareilly Train Disaster' in which thirteen passengers were killed and nineteen seriously injured. There are also two pages of book reviews, including a review of ‘The Glenlitten Murder' by E. Phillips Oppenheim. I think you have read some of his books. Books on the Riviera.

A. 1. Match:
Match the items under 'A' with items under 'B'

Column 'A'
Column 'B'
(i) woman
(a) preparing exam.
(ii) cupboard
(b) writer
(iii) E Phillips Oppenheim
(c) cracked plates
(iv) narrator
(d) skeleton
A. 2. Extend the above extract by adding an imaginative paragraph of your own in about 50 words.

Ans. My dear son you are 'James Bond 007' I know you will be exited with the valuable information which I have given to you. You will definitely get involved and to solve this mysteries problem. But you should give more importance to your safety and study first. Uncle Sam and his children will be coming for this diwali vacation, then all of you can get busy working on the details, that I have given and find out answers to the mystery. Till then the police department will be busy doing its job. The skeleton too has been sent to the forensic tab for examination and will get more details. I hope you will keep thanking and praising God for all the blessings and asking him to help you in your exams. Present thoughts should not be entertained at this point of time. I do hope you will understand your mother's love and concern.

Q. 5. B. Read the extract and do the activities that follow. [4]
[One seen extract 200 to 250 words]

Dentist       : (sternly). Who are you and what are you doing in my house?
Tom            : I say−I’m awfully sorry−but we thought you were a ghost.
Dentist       : (bewildered). A ghost!  Why on earth should you think I was a ghost?
George       : (crossing C.). I’m awfully sorry, sir. You see, we were out carol-singing and−
Dentist       : Oh, so it was you who were making that horrible din outside?
George       : Yes−that was Ginger’s idea −but, you see, it was raining rather hard       and these fellows were afraid of getting wet, so−
Tom            : (interrupting). Young Alfie’s got his best suit on, otherwise we       shouldn’t have been afraid of getting wet.
Ginger : Anyhow, sir, we stood in your doorway for shelter.
Tom: And the door was open, so we came inside.
Dentist: I see, But what were you making all that confounded noise about?
Tom: (finding the explanation difficult). Well, you see, we saw that skull, and those white grinning things - and we thought the place was haunted at least, that's what Ginger thought.
Dentist: (laughing) Great Scott ! So that's the explanation. I happen to be a dentist, and what you saw were some of my models used for fitting artificial teeth.
Ginger: Then - those rows  of grinning teeth are -
Dentist: (picking up model fitted with artificial teeth). Just some of my workmanship.

B. 1. Match the items under 'A' with items under 'B'. [2]

Column 'A'
Column 'B'
(i) Skull
(a) Alfie
(ii) workmanship
(b) boys
(iii) noise
(c) model fitted with artificial teeth.
(iv) best suit
(d) scared the boys.

B. 2. Convert it into a continuous write-up in about 50 words. [2]

When the Dentist found the strange boys in hi house he was shocked. He cried, “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” Tom fumbled for words,  “I say−I’m awfully sorry−but we thought you were a ghost.” The Dentist got shocked. Bewildered he said, ”A ghost! Why on earth should you think I was a ghost?” George walked across the corner began to plead, ”I’m awfully sorry, sir…………………