
SSLC 10th Standard, English Tamil Nadu, Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.

SSLC 10th Standard, English Tamil Nadu, 

Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.

a. Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father.
b. Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.
c. Prospero forgave them and restored his dukedom, Milan.
d. He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.
e. Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand and gave a severe task to perform.


(i) Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave
(ii) He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.
(iii) Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father
(iv) Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand and gave a severe task to perform.
(v) Prospero forgave them and restored his dukedom, Milan.