There are certain unreasonable beliefs among people living in our society.
Certain common events are linked with superstitions. List such events, discuss the superstitions linked with them, and the means of their eradication.
A cat crossing your path
A cat crossing your path
Explanation: if a cat, especially a black cat crosses your path, it is considered to be a sign that something bad is about to occur to you.
Means of eradication: educate the believers that it is just a cat and like any other animal it roams freely. Moreover, tell people that the above belief holds no logic.
2. Do not sweep or cut nails after sunset
Explanation: doing these activities after sunset invites some unwelcome misfortune into your life.
Means of eradication: educate people that sweeping or cutting nails are independent activities and have nothing to do with any particular time of the day.
3. Hanging lemon and seven green chilies
Explanation: it is believed that hanging lemon and seven green chilies on doors and vehicles wards off misfortune and bad luck.
Means of eradication: educate people that good deeds bring good fortune. So, lemons and chilies are better off as food ingredients.
4. Do not stand or sit under the Peepal tree in the night
Explanation: standing or sitting under the peepal tree at night, invites ghosts and evil spirits.
Means of eradication: educate people that plants maintain a balance in nature. Apart from oxygen, they provide shelter to numerous animals, birds, and protect them. Plants possibly do more good to us than anything evil.
5. An itchy left palm
Explanation: an itchy left palm indicates that money would flow in
Means of eradication: educate people that money is best earned and expected out of hard work and good investments. It is better to rely on such proven and tested sources of income than waiting for a palm to get itchy.