
Chapter 8 : Public Finance in India Q.1. Choose the correct option. HSC Economics

Balbharati solutions for Economics HSC 12th Standard Maharashtra State Board.


Chapter 8 : Public Finance in India

Q.1. Choose the correct option:


1. Optional functions of Government :


a) Protection from external attack

b) Provision of education and health services

c) Provision of social security measures

d) Collection of tax


b and c

a, b and c

b, c and d

All of the above

2. Obligatory functions of the Government:

a) Provision of employment

b) Maintaining internal law and order

c) Welfare measures

d) Exporting goods and services

c and d

a and b

only b

a, c and d

3. "Definition - Public finance is one of those subjects which are on the borderline between economics and politics." ......... given by



a) Adam Smith

b) Alfred Marshall

c) Prof. Hugh Dalton

d) Prof. Findlay Shirras


only a

only b

only c

only d

4. Non-tax sources of revenue :


a) Direct and Indirect Tax

b) Direct Tax and Fees

c) Fees

d) Special Levy


b and c

a and c

a, b, c and d

c and d

5. Trends shown by Public expenditure of any Government shows the following trend.


a) Constant

b) Increasing

c) Decreasing

d) Fluctuating



only a

only b

only c

only d