
Chapter 1.6, Tiger Hills, english, fyjc, 11th std, maharashtra board, balbharathi solution,

Complete the following sentence.

1. Ajoy reported about ________________.


Ajoy reported about how the game was played, how the game performed, and how the game ended.

2. Sujoy reported about ___________________.


Sujoy reported about how they missed Vinay and Sunay, and how eager they were to tell them about the enjoyments.

The word ‘report’ means –

(a) Give a spoken or written account of something.

(b) Cover an event or subject as a journalist or reporter.


Give a spoken or written account of something.

Refer to a standard dictionary and find out the meaning of the following word:

1. Reportage


Reportage: the act of reporting news in a newspaper or broadcasting them on radio or television.

2. Reporter


Reporter: a person who covers events, proceedings, or news and describes them for a newspaper, radio, or television.

3.Reported speech


Reported speech: Means of expressing statements or questions without using the speaker’s exact words.

4. Reportorial


Reportorial: related to or characteristic of a newspaper reporter.

Find and discuss some examples of reports related to the given topic.

1. Award distribution


Do it yourself.

2. Bravery awards


Do it yourself.

3. Any social issue


Do it yourself.

You might have read war stories or watched war movies. Make a list of the factors which make them interesting.





The factors listed below often make war stories interesting:

1. the constant threat of injury or death looming over the characters

2. a sense of real-life drama and the thrill attached to it

3. spontaneity required in decision-making during crucial moments of the war

4. the narrator’s an elevated sense of pride or utter dejection at times

5. historic nature of the outcome of a war

6. reader/viewer’s emotional involvement.

Narrate in your own words a similar based on text to the class.


26th November 2008 is considered one of the black days in the History of Mumbai. 10 armed men wreaked havoc in the city, fired mercilessly at helpless Mumbaikars, and pushed the entire country into a state of fear for the next 3 days. The terrorist attack started when 10 heavily armed men arrived at two locations in Colaba in inflatable speedboats, at around 9:30 p.m. They then split into groups of two and opened fire at different locations of Mumbai. The locations targeted were Leopold Café, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Oberoi Trident, and Cama Hospital. They also blew up two taxis with explosives. Though the Mumbai Police were caught unawares by the terrorist attack, they showed exemplary courage and deftness and managed to neutralize three terrorists. In the course of their efforts to take stock of the situation, Police officers Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar, and Ashok Kamte, were killed by the terrorists. The Mumbai Police managed to arrest the terrorist Ajmal Kasab alive near Girgaon Chowpatty. Police officer Tukaram Omble was martyred while achieving this feat. Later that night, two terrorists managed to sneak into the Nariman House building, a Jewish centre in Colaba while three of them entered the Taj Mahal Hotel building and held the residents’ hostage. They threatened and even killed a few hostages in these locations. The center deployed the Rapid Action Force, Marine Commandos, and the NSG commandos for the rescue operation. The hostage situation at the Taj was resolved on the morning of 27th November. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan of the NSG was killed during the rescue of Commando Sunil Yadav, who was hit in the leg by a bullet at Taj. The rescue operation at the Nariman House continued for the next two days. Finally, on 29th November 2008 at around 8 a.m., the nightmare ended as the last terrorist of the group was killed.

Imagine that you are about to interview the writer. Write 10 to 15 questions regarding the operation.


1. Where did you operate from for the entire duration of the operation?

2. How did you track the progress of the operation?

3. What role did the media play during the operation?

4. Did any official from the enemy’s side try to communicate with you?

5. What was the role played by spies during the operation?

6. Did you intercept any messages from across the border?

7. How was the morale of the Indian soldiers? Can you recall any story or incident that lifted their spirits?

8. What were the measures taken by you to ensure a smooth supply of arms and ammunition?

9. How was the coordination with the air-force?

10. What according to you was the biggest challenge on Tiger Hill?

11. How did you manage to keep calm during moments of utter frustration?

12. What was the exact figure of casualties on both sides?

13. What were the lessons learned from the war?

14. What message would you send across to citizens of a country when there is a war being fought on the front?

Enlist any four facts which made the capturing of Tiger Hill a national challenge.


1. Tiger hill was located 10 kilometres North of the Srinagar – Kargil – Leh Highway but towered higher than the other hills in its vicinity.

2. The enemy position on the mountain top dominated parts of this highway. Thus, any movement on the highway or any approach to the Hill risked visibility by the enemy because of its vantage point.

3. The position of the enemy on Tiger Hill was well-fortified and its sharp triangular top made it a difficult objective to recapture.

4. The impossibility of the mission was projected by the media as a national challenge.

Different arms and ammunition are mentioned in the excerpt. Find their names.


Bofors guns, field and medium guns, 122 mm multi-barrelled Grad rocket launchers, and mortars.

Wars are not fought only on the battlefield. Comment.


For a country fighting a war, challenges, like maintaining secrecy, handling political and global pressures, maintaining internal peace, and arranging for all kinds of combat support, become battles in itself. Besides all these battles, the entire nation is under tremendous psychological pressure. The routine life of the families of the individuals directly involved in the war is filled with anxiety. The country folk, too, remain worried about the fate of those in the army. Every intermediate victory or defeat has a direct impact on the morale of a nation. Overall, the atmosphere changes to one of fear and in some cases, anger. In the case of wars that last for a long period of time, it also puts a strain on the resources of a country. A war thus impacts involved countries on many different levels that span beyond a battlefield.

Prompt reporting is of strategic importance during a war. explain it.


The prompt reporting of the outcome of the war is extremely necessary for decision making. In the case of the Kargil war, the timely reporting of victory was critical as it provided the Prime Minister with the opportunity to make the news public in the meeting scheduled in Haryana. On the global front, the news of the outcome of the war had an impact on the meeting between Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and American President Bill Clinton, which was scheduled for the same day (4th July). The promptness of confirmed reporting during a war can avert major crises and can break the morale of the enemy.

Make a list of the preparations made for an assault on Tiger Hill.

1.Throughout the last week of June 1999, 18 Grenadiers ____________.


Throughout the last week of June 1999, 18 Grenadiers probed to establish the extent of the enemy’s defences.

2.They also explored to ______________.


They also explored to find out suitable routes for the assault.

3.After confirming the multidirectional assault as the best strategy the commanding officer ________________.


After confirming the multidirectional assault as the best strategy the commanding officer of 41 Field Regiment drew up an elaborate artillery plan.

4.Individual guns ___________.


Individual guns were ranged in order to cover each objective.

5.Bofors guns _____________.


Bofors guns were used in a direct firing role with great accuracy.

Complete the flowchart showing the events on the day of the assault.

Complete the flowchart showing the events on the day of the assault


1. On 2-3 July 1999, Air Force targeted a tiger hill and hit the bull’s eye several times during its missions.

2. At 1900 hours on 3 July 18 Grenadiers commenced its multidirectional assault under the cover of bad weather and darkness, supported by the firepower of artillery and mortars.

3. At 0130 hours on 4 July, ‘A’ company captured an intermediate position called Tongue.

4. ‘D’ Company leader Captain Sachin Nimbalkar led the assault from the east.

5. ‘D’ Company occupied the eastern portion of Area Collar, which lay within 100 meters of Tiger Hill Top.

6. A toehold was obtained on the north-eastern spur just 30 meters from the top in a surprise attack by ‘C’ Company and Ghatak (Commando) platoon under Lieutenant Balwan Singh.

7. At 0400 hours on 4 July after a carefully orchestrated artillery bombardment, Sachin Nimbalkar and Balwan Singh along with their men approached Tiger Hill Top by climbing a sheer cliff and caught the enemy unawares.

8. After a short period of hand-to-hand fighting, Sachin Nimbalkar and Balwan Singh and their men succeeded in capturing a hold on Tiger Hilltop.

9. On 8th July, the Indian Tricolour was hoisted on the Tiger Hilltop.

Rewrite the given statements in their order of occurrence.

The most difficult task of maintaining the hold on Tiger Hill was achieved in this way:

1. 8 Sikh was ordered to and capture Helmet and India Gate.

2. Bodies of the Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.

3. During the ferocious artillery duels, the Grenadiers hung on their precarious perch with grit and determination.

4. Sikh fought back successfully two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel.

5. An ad-hoc column of 8 Sikh climbed the steep rock and captured India Gate.

6. In spite of heavy casualties, 8 Sikh captured Helmet on 5 July.


3. During the ferocious artillery duels, the Grenadiers hung on their precarious perch with grit and determination.

1. 8 Sikh was ordered to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate.

5. An ad-hoc column of 8 Sikh climbed the steep rock and captured India Gate.

6. In spite of heavy casualties, 8 Sikh captured Helmet on 5 July.

4. Sikh fought back successfully two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel.

2. Bodies of the Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.

Discuss the meaning of the following idioms/phrases and use them in your own sentence.

1.To hit the bull’s eye.


Meaning: to hit the mark; to have the desired effect; to be absolutely right.

Shreyas hit the bull’s eye with his prediction of the first showers of the monsoon.

2. To be taken by surprise.


Meaning: to feel astonished when something unexpected takes place.

Vidya was taken by surprise by the maturity of her young daughter during their difficult times.

3. To get a toehold.


Meaning: to achieve an initial, strong position from where further progress can be made.

After hours of careful digging, the officials finally managed to get a toehold in the rescue operation.

4. Under the cover of.


Meaning: protected by or getting aided by, especially for staying unnoticed.

The burglars sneaked into the house under the cover of darkness provided by the cloudy night.

5. A spell of.


Meaning - a short period

India emerged as a winner under the spell of Harbhajan.

Read the following words :

Brigadier, Commander, capture, evicting, enemy, defense

All these words are related to war affairs and war.

Find more such words from the passage.


Brigade, mission, 18 grenadiers, Base, High Altitude Warfare school, artillery, combat, multidirectional assault, scout, commanding officer, Field regiment, fire plan, guns, ranged, Bofors, direct firing role, field, and medium guns, 122 mm multibarrelled Grad rocket launchers, targeted, mortars, Northern Light Infantry, company, firefighting, Commando, Ghatak, Platoon, Lieutenant, bombardment, hand-to-hand fighting, counterattacks, Mount Division, Column, 8 Sikh, JCO, soldiers, battleground, GOC 15 Corps, battalion, rescue operation.

Understand the usage of the words given:

After consulting him and Nirmal Chander Singh, we decided to await confirmation from the GOC and Mountain Division.

You know the verb ‘wait’. But it is an intransitive verb. It doesn’t take a direct object; consequently, it cannot be cast into passive voice. Also, the past participle of the verb ‘to wait’ cannot act as an adjective.

‘The mother waited eagerly’ is a correct sentence as there is no direct object. But ‘The mother waited eagerly the answer from her son.’ is a wrong sentence. ‘The answer’ is the direct object. This sentence can be written by using the phrase ‘wait for’ as ‘The mother waited eagerly for the answer from her son.’ ‘Wait for’ can be taken as the transitive phrasal verb.

‘To await’ is a transitive verb and it does take a direct object.

For example, ‘The mother awaited the answer eagerly.’

The past participle of it can be used as an adjective.

The most awaited program started very late.

Note that the object of the verb ‘await’ is usually an inanimate object. We don’t usually await a person, but we await his answer/ call/ arrival/ letter.

There are more such words in English. All of them are not verbs.

For example: Aside, Ashore, Anew, Awake, Afoot.

Prefix ‘A’ provides a certain purpose in the formation of the word.

a. Aside- to the side

b. Ashore- towards the shore

c. Afoot-on foot

d. Anew- of new

e. Apolitical- not political

f. Asleep- in a state or manner

Share with your friends a few more words.


(abide, abiotic, acyclic, apathy, asymmetry).

Use of although/ though/ even though/but

Read the following sentences.

Although the café was crowded, we found a vacant table.

Although Sadie has passed her test, she never drives.

The clause with although can also come after the main clause.

For example: We found a vacant table, although the café was crowded.

Though I liked the pullover, I didn’t buy it.

Though it was pouring cats and dogs, he set out for his journey.

We can use though at the end of the sentence.

For example: I liked the pullover; I didn’t buy it, though.

We can use ‘even though’ in the same way.

John looked quite fresh even though he had just recovered from jaundice.

‘Even though’ can be used at the beginning of the sentence also.

‘Even though’ I hate Gopal, I shall try to be nice with him.

‘Even though’ is stronger and more emphatic than ‘although’

We can join two clauses with ‘but’.

For example: We wanted to go abroad, but our passports were not ready.

We use these words (although, though, even though, but) to show the contrast between two clauses or two sentences.

Although, though, even though and but can be used as conjunctions to introduce afterthoughts, contrasts, or restrictions and conditions.

Find out the sentences from the lesson in which any of these words are used.

Discuss in pairs/groups the purpose they serve.


Although located almost 10 kilometres north of the Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway, the enemy position on this mountaintop dominated parts of this highway.

Although 18 Grenadiers held the top now, linking up with them was not easy.

Although used in both these sentences signify a precondition to the main clause.

The enemy launched two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel, but 8 Sikhs fought gallantly and were able to repulse them.

Here, ‘but’ is used as a conjunction to join two independent statements.

Sing and recite one of the famous folk songs given below.

There is a mountain for away.

And on the mountain stands a tree.

And on the tree, there is a branch.

And on the branch, there is a nest.

And in the nest, there is an egg.

And in the egg, there is a bird

One day the bird will fly.

One day we will be free.

Discuss with your teacher and classmates regarding the changes seen in the underlined words. Find the reasons behind the changes.

a mountain – the mountain

a tree – the tree

a branch – the branch

a nest – the nest

an egg – the egg

a bird – the bird.


In the above poem, each of these words is preceded, once by a definite article and later by an indefinite article. Each of the nouns given above is referred to as an uncountable arbitrary thing that turns into a specific countable noun in the next line. For example, the poet talks about a non-specific mountain from far away in the first line but when a tree is introduced in the second line it refers to that particular mountain. In any sentence, the noun in question determines the use of articles.

Put ‘a/an’ or ‘the’ at a proper place. Put a cross (X) where no article is applicable.

Ravi walked up to ______________ Principal’s cabin.


Ravi walked up to the Principal’s cabin.

Ahmed lives in ___________ small town.


Ahmed lives in a small town.

Can I use your _____________ cell phone?


Can I use your X cell phone?

I need __________ English-Marathi dictionary.


I need an English-Marathi dictionary.

Who’s ______________ woman in your office?


Who’s the woman in your office?

Imagine that you are one of the soldiers from 18 Grenadiers on the mission Tiger Hill. Narrate your experience of the war to your friend.


After regaining control at Tololing and Hump, we rested and recouped for a couple of weeks. The entire Battalion was in high spirits on being assigned the critical mission of capturing Tiger Hill. After a detailed probe of the region, the Commanding Officer of 41 Field Regiment drew up an elaborate artillery plan. On the day of the assault, a volley of weapons, along with support from the Air Force was used to bombard the target. At 1900 hours on 3rd July, we commenced the multidirectional assault. I was a part of the ‘D’ Company led by Captain Sachin Nimbalkar in the assault from the east. Using mountaineering equipment, we scaled steep escarpment under the cover of darkness and bad weather and caught the enemy by surprise. After some struggle, we occupied the eastern portion of the Area Collar that lay within 100 meters of the Tiger Hill Top. We then geared up for the final assault on 0400 hours on 4th July. Yet again we caught the enemy unawares and after a spell of hand-to-hand fighting, we had captured the objective. Our major concerns were holding on to our position and retaliation of the enemy’s counter attacks. We were constantly assured of support from the base. Once 8 Sikh captured the Helmet and India Gate, it became near-impossible for the enemy to win back the Hill. After neutralising all the counterattacks from the enemy, we informed the army chief of our accomplishment and hoisted the tricolour back on Tiger Hill.

Would you like to join the Indian Army/Navy/ Air force? If not, suggest other ways in which you could serve your nation.


Although I hold the Defence Services in the highest regard and salute their devotion to the country, I personally would like to serve my country in a different way. Dr. APJ Kalam’s autobiography has deeply inspired me to serve my nation by becoming a space scientist and contributing to the Indian Space Research Organization. Besides working for the ISRO, I would like to serve my nation by being more aware of my duties as a citizen. Participating in cleanliness drives and rural development programs and helping the underprivileged are alternate ways by which I can indirectly serve my nation.

Report writing

Study the web diagram and write the characteristics of report writing.

Study the web diagram and write the characteristics of report writing.


A report is an analysis of facts.

The report should be factual and unbiased.

The report should be as brief as possible.

Reporting should be in indirect speech and in a passive voice.

The report should always be written in the past tense.

Report Writing. 

Purpose of Report Writing -

To provide unbiased information based on reality

To give an analysis of the facts

To make recommendations, if any and if expected. (as in business reports.)

Types of Reports -

Business Report

Factual Report

Format of a Report -


Name of the reporter

Dateline (date and place)

The opening paragraph (Lead or Intro- Who, when, what, where)

Detailed paragraphs (Why and how.)

Conclusion/suggestions if any

The report should be written in the box.

You are Sharad Mathur, the General Secretary of the Sports Club of your college. Write a brief report on the Annual Sports activities for the college magazine.


Annual Sports Meet

– Sharad Mathur

(Gen. Secretary, Sports Club)

15th March 2020

The much-awaited sports Meet was hosted on 12th December 2019 on the college grounds. This year marked the 25th Annual Sports Meet and as such, the celebrations were held with great pomp to suit the occasion.

The event was inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp by Mr. V. Desai, Chairman of the Managing Committee of the college, followed by a welcome song by the students. The Principal, Mrs. Soni welcomed the huge gathering of students and parents. The Chief Guest for the evening was Mr. Ramesh Grover, an ex-student of the college, who had attained fame at the state level as a member of the hockey team. Several indoor and outdoor sports activities like chess, carrom, badminton, Cricket, Kabaddi, etc. were conducted. The highlight of the evening was the track and field events which saw emerging talent sweep the winning trophies.

The participating players were encouraged and cheered throughout the matches. The students showcased a great sense of discipline and mastery of skill achieved through months of hard work. The spirit of sportsmanship was in the air. The atmosphere of the college was one of festivity and jubilance.

The culmination of the Day witnessed loud cheers during the prize distribution ceremony at the hands of the Trustees of College. The event ended with a Vote of Thanks by Ms. Das who heads the Sports Department and personally guided the students in their preparation. The evening ended on a high note with a look of accomplishment and pride on the faces of the students.

Report Writing. 

Your school organised 'Van Mahotsav Day' recently. Write in about 100 to 150 words a report to be published in the school magazine.


Annual 'Van Mahotsav' Day

Meera Desai

(Students’ Reporter)

10th July 2019


The Annual ‘Van Mahotsav’ Day was organised by the Trinity Scholars School on 7th July 2019 on the school premises. The day is celebrated as part of the ‘Go Green’ initiative of the school committee.

The event began with a simple, but effective speech about the importance of trees and their socio-economic effects. A few students from the committee highlighted the emotional impact of trees in addition to their environmental role. Several problems or issues created by deforestation and depleting trees were highlighted through the speeches. The students were made to understand and appreciate the role played by the planting and tending of trees in preventing global warming, reducing pollution, and promoting rainfall. This led to enthusiastic discussions among the students.

This was followed by the planting of saplings. The students showed great eagerness while planting the saplings of various trees. They were told about the importance of each tree that was planted and were given simple instructions on how to take care of the same. Several competitions like poster making, slogan-writing, and draws were conducted on the theme ‘The Importance of Trees in everyday life’.

The curiosity to learn and the will to create a change were clearly seen in the efforts of the students. They also learned that ‘Van Mahotsav’ is celebrated at the onset of the monsoon season because the saplings planted during this period have a greater chance of survival. These various activities helped to instill the value of social responsibility in the students.


You are the secretary of the NSS unit of your college. Write a brief report of the Blood Donation Camp arranged by your unit.


Blood Donation Camp – A Noble Deed

Ritika Kashyap 

The Secretary,

NSS Unit,

24th January 2020

The NSS Unit of Adarsh Jr. College organized a Blood Donation Camp on 20th January 2020. The camp was held in the assembly hall of the college. It was inaugurated by the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deo, of the local government hospital.

Dr. Deo addressed the audience and highlighted the need for blood donation. He also spoke about the myths surrounding blood donation. He explained that blood donation does not lead to any weakness in the donors as the recovery process takes place fairly quickly. There was a chart displaying the statistics of the requirement of blood in hospitals and the life-saving power of blood donation was emphasized.

All the necessary arrangements were made by the NSS Unit members, with the help and guidance of a team of local doctors & nurses, who had agreed to volunteer. The participating donors were from Adarsh Jr. College and other colleges in the neighbourhood. Many first-time donors were seen donating their blood with a sense of responsibility for the social cause. After the donation, the participants were given fruits and milk along with a certificate of blood donation.

The camp ended at 4 pm. A total of 120 volunteers donated their blood. It was a proud moment for the NSS unit for successfully organizing this Blood Donation Camp.

11th Standard English Yuvakbharati Balbharati Solutions for  Maharashtra State Board

FYJC English Latest Syllabus 2020 - 2021

Balbharati Solutions for English Yuvakbharati 11th Standard Maharashtra State Board Chapterwise List

The answers for the Balbharati books are the best study material for students. These Balbharati Solutions for English Yuvakbharati 11th Standard Maharashtra State Board will help students understand the concepts better.

Chapter 1.1: Being Neighborly

Chapter 1.2: On To The Summit : We Reach The Top

Chapter 1.3: The Call of the Soil

Chapter 1.4: Pillars of Democracy

Chapter 1.5: Mrs. Adis

Chapter 1.6: Tiger Hills

Chapter 2.1: Cherry Tree

Chapter 2.2: The Sower

Chapter 2.3: There is Another Sky

Chapter 2.4: Upon Westminster Bridge

Chapter 2.5: Nose versus Eyes

Chapter 2.6: The Planners

Chapter 3.1: Expansion of Ideas

Chapter 3.2: Blog Writing

Chapter 3.3: E-mails

Chapter 3.4: Interview

Chapter 3.5: Film Review

Chapter 3.6: The Art of Compering

Chapter 4.1: History of English Drama

Chapter 4.2: The Rising of the Moon

Chapter 4.3: Extracts of Drama - (A) A Midsummer - Night's Dream

Chapter 4.3: Extracts of Drama - (B) An Enemy of the People