
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Class 10th Geography MHB Solution


Question 1.

On the basis of the information given in the chapter, figures and maps, complete the table below:

On the basis of the information given in the chapter, figures and maps, complete the table below: of ForestCharacteristicsRegions in IndiaRegions in Brazil
1Tropical Forests1.Broad-leaved evergreen trees  
2Semi-arid thorny
3Savannah1. Scanty bushes and shrub-like trees and
rain-resistant grass
1. Mixed type of vegetation  
5Grasslands1. Grassland region like the Pampas of

Answer: of ForestCharacteristicsRegions in IndiaRegions in Brazil
1Tropical Forests1.Broad-leaved evergreen treeswestern ghatsGuiana highland
2Semi-arid thorny
1.Less than 500 mm of rainfall
2. small-sized leaves
Deccan plateaucaatinga
3Savannah1. Scanty bushes and shrub-like trees and
rain-resistant grass
terai grasslandscerrado
1. Mixed type of vegetationnorthern plains Parana basin
5Grasslands1. Grassland region like the Pampas of
shola grasslandspampa

Question 2.

Identify the odd man out

Forest type of Brazil-
A. thorny bush type vegetation

B. evergreen forests

C. the Himalayan Forests

D. Deciduous forests


The Himalayan Forests are found in the Himalayan mountain ranges found in India. They can further be subdivided into three types of forests depending on their altitude.

Question 3.

Identify the odd man out

With reference to India-
A. Mangrove forests

B. Mediterranean forests

C. Thorny bush-type vegetation

D. Equatorial forests


Mediterranean forests are found in places with the Mediterranean climate. India does not have Mediterranean climate and therefore, does not have Mediterranean forests.

Question 4.

Identify the odd man out

With reference to fauna of Brazil-
A. Anaconda

B. Tamairin

C. Red Panda

D. Lion


Red Panda is native to the Himalayan region in India and China. It is not found in Brazil. Lions are also not found in Brazil. They are found majorly in Africa and Asian regions like India.

Question 5.

Identify the odd man out

With reference to flora of India-
A. Deodar

B. Anjan

C. Orchid

D. Banyan



Deodar, Orchid and Banyan are all trees and plants that form the flora of India.

Question 6.

Match the columns:

Match the columns :

a) Evergreen Forests(i) Sundar trees
b) Deciduous Forests(ii) Pine
c) Coastal Forests(iii) Pau Brasil
d) Himalayan Forests(iv) Khejadi
e) Thorny and bush-type vegetation(v) Teak
 (vi) Orchid
 (vii) Sal


a) Evergreen Forests iii) Pau Brasil, vi) Orchid
b) Deciduous Forestsv) Teak
c) Coastal Forests i) Sundar trees
d) Himalayan Forestsii) Pine, vii) Sal
e) Thorny and bush-type vegetation iv) Khejadi


Evergreen forests: usually occur in areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall and having a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Deciduous forests: They are a variety of temperate forest dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year.

Coastal forests: They are terrestrial habitats which consists of different forms of plants that grow near shores, ranging from creepers to tall trees.

Himalayan forests: They are a large subtropical coniferous forest ecoregion covering portions of Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Thorny and bush type vegetation: They are found in regions where the rainfall is less than 70cm.

Question 7.

Answer in short:

Differentiate between the forest types of Brazil and India.


Question 8.

Answer in short:

Correlate wildlife and natural vegetation in India and Brazil.


Relation between the wildlife and natural vegetation in India and Brazil:

1. Vegetation: Both are highly diverse in terms of flora with common species like mahogany, orchids, thorny shrubs etc. depending on the type of forests.

2. Wildlife: Both are Mega-diverse countries with common animals like monkeys, crocodiles, birds like parrots, insects, fishes etc.

Question 9.

Answer in short:

What environmental issues are faced by Brazil and India?


Environmental issues:

1. Commercial activities like poaching and habitat destruction has led to the extinction of many species.

2. Deforestation is the leading cause for the destruction of forests which in turn effects the environment badly.

3. Other issues include deforestation in the Amazon basin, illegal wildlife trade, air and water pollution, land degradation caused by mining activities, wetland degradation and severe oil spills, among others.

Question 10.

Answer in short:

What are the major causes of degradation of forest in Brazil and India?


Causes of degradation of forests:

1. Deforestation is the major cause for degradation of forests. It is done for mining, building dams, expanding agriculture etc.

2. Industrial development has caused degradation of forests through pollution, over-exploitation, encroachments etc.

Rainforests have decreased in size primarily due to deforestation. Despite reductions in the deforestation rate over the last ten years, the Amazon rainforest will be reduced by 40% by 2030 at the current rate.

Question 11.

Answer in short:

Why does the deciduous type of vegetation occupy most of India?


Deciduous forests require foll. conditions ot grow which are found in most parts of India:

1. Rainfall between 70-200 cm.

2. hot and humid climate.

Common trees are teak, mulberry, bamboo, sandal wood, etc. It is found majorly in Northern, Central and Southern India.

Question 12.

Give geographical reasons

The northern part of Brazil is covered by dense forests.


The northern part of Brazil is closest to the equator and therefore receives maximum rainfall. Evergreen forests are found in this region around the Amazon basin as it rains throughout the year. These are highly dense in terms of both vegetation and wildlife. Because of the deposition of sediments brought up by the river amazon and as the amazon canal is 150km in width, it forms ideal conditions in terms of soil and water for the growth of dense forests. Also, there is plenty of sunlight in Brazil as the Tropic of Capricorn passes through it.

Question 13.

Give geographical reasons

Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of Himalayas.


Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of Himalayas because of two reasons:

1. extremely cold weather.

2. top is covered with snow.

Only seasonally flowering trees are found in the high altitudes.

Question 14.

Give geographical reasons

A wide variety of species of insects is found in Brazil.


A wide variety of insects is found in Brazil because it has a high diversity and density of wildlife in the Amazon rainforests. Evergreen forests are found in this region around the Amazon basin as it rains throughout the year. Because of the deposition of sediments brought up by the river amazon and as the amazon canal is 150km in width, it forms ideal conditions in terms of soil and water for the growth of dense forests. Apart from the numerous species found in the tropical rainforests of north, they are also found in the swamps, grasslands, deciduous forests etc.

Question 15.

Give geographical reasons

Wildlife in India is decreasing day by day.


Wildlife in India is decreasing day by day due to many reasons which are as below:

1. habitat destruction through deforestation and pollution.

2. Illegal activities like poaching.

3. Human animal conflict

Government is taking various initiatives to protect the wildlife of India by bringing in laws against poaching and creating awareness on animal protection like the ‘Project Tiger’, etc.

Question 16.

Give geographical reasons

Like India, there is need of conservation of forests in Brazil too.


A wide variety of wildlife is found in Brazil because it has a high diversity especially in the Amazon rainforests. Evergreen forests are found in this region around the Amazon basin as it rains throughout the year. Because of the deposition of sediments brought up by the river amazon and as the amazon canal is 150km in width, it forms ideal conditions in terms of soil and water for the growth of dense forests. Apart from the numerous species found in the tropical rainforests of north, they are also found in the swamps, grasslands, deciduous forests etc.

Forests in Brazil also need conservation like India because they are under the threat of commercial activities like deforestation and pollution. Traditional agricultural practice like slash and burn is also a cause of destruction. In India, government is taking various initiatives to protect the wildlife of India by bringing in laws against poaching and creating awareness on animal protection like the ‘Project Tiger’, etc.

Intext Questions

Question 1.

Tiger is the national animal of India. The number of tigers is decreasing day by day. The situation is similar to elephants. Find information about such plants and animals. Find about their habitats. What should be done to conserve these animals? In which regions can this be done? Make a presentation of their possible places.


The animals and plants which are on the verge of extinction are called Endangered species.

Endangered animals:

Endangered Plants:

Causes for the decline in the population of flora and fauna:

Illegal human activities such as poaching, hunting and destruction of the natural habitats of these plant and animal species are the major reasons.

Steps to conserve the endangered species:

The following are some of the steps that can be taken to conserve the rich flora and fauna of India from getting extinct:

1. Creating awareness among the public about the importance of animals and plants.

2. Making sure that the laws regarding wildlife are implemented properly.

3. Visiting national parks.

4. A boycott of products made of animal skin, leather and horns etc.,

5. Afforestation.

Many wildlife habitats can be created in hilly and mountainous regions where we can find dense forests gifted by nature.

Balbharati Solutions for Social Science Geography 10th Standard SSC Maharashtra State Board

Geography 2020-2021 SSC (English Medium) 10th Standard Board Exam Question Paper Solution.

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Balbharati Solutions for Social Science Geography 10th Standard SSC Maharashtra State Board

Chapter 1: Field Visit

Chapter 2: Location and Extent

Chapter 3: Physiography and Drainage

Chapter 4: Climate

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Chapter 6: Population

Chapter 7: Human Settlements

Chapter 8: Economy and Occupations

Chapter 9: Tourism, Transport and Communication