

Production Of Food From Animals Class 8th Biology AP Board Solution

Class 8th Biology AP Board Solution

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Question 1.

One honey bee hive consists of different types of bees. What are they? How they differ from each other?


Honey bee hive consist of three types of bees. These are queen, drones and workers. One queen, hundreds of male drones and thousands of workers. The main function of a queen is to lay eggs. She lays 800-1200 eggs per day. Drones function is to fertilize queen through mating. Worker bees collect nectar (sweet juice of the flower) from flowers for food to the colony members

Question 2.

Make a list of characters of local variety of buffaloes which give good quantity of milk in your village?


Murrah is the well-known local variety of Buffalo.The characters of the murrah are:

● Body is strong built, heavy and wedge shaped.

● Head is comparatively small with long face.

● Neck is long and body colour is jet –black.

● Murrah has ability to adopt in any kind of climate in India.

● Daily milk production is about 8-16 liters.

● It is more disease resistant as compared to hybrid cows.

Question 3.

Explain the process of hatching eggs under broody hen in rural areas?


● Local chicken breeders rear eggs using incubators.

● Incubator is a device used to maintain required temperature.

● Chicken breeders produce chicken in large scale using incubator.

● But hatching of eggs in traditionally in rural area an interesting job.

● Our rural practioners hatch eggs by placing eggs under the hen.

● Hatchability of eggs is generally influenced by 37 to 38C temperature.

● In about 21 days chicks come out of the egg.

Question 4.

Write about the accessory products produced in animal husbandry.


The accessory products animal husbandry are:

● Bones of dead animals which are used making fertilisers.

● Leather which is used in the leather industry. Bones are used in fertilizer industries.

● Meat processing from animals is another side of animal wealth.

● Beef is from bulls and buffaloes, pork is from pigs, mutton is from sheep and goats are prominent meat varieties.

● Cow/buffalo dung is used as compost or used to produce bio gas.

Question 5.

What is estuaries, how they are suitable for both marine and river fish to live?


● Estuaries are the place where seawater and fresh water mix together.

● It is resource of brackish water.

● Both local and imported fish species are used in such systems.

● In such a system, a combination of five or six fish species are used in a single fishpond.

● The species are selected I such as way that they do not compete for food and space among themselves.

● They have different types of food habits so that the all the food available in the different parts of the pond is used.

● For example, Catlas are surface feeders. Rohus feed in the middle zone of the pond. Mrigals and common carps are bottom feeders.

Question 6.

If you have a chance to visit milk chilling center, what doubts would you like to clarify? Please list out them.


● How the collection of the milk is done?

● Whether the all the milk mix together or kept separately.

● What is pasteurization?

● How Pasteurization is done?

● What are the products made in milk chilling center?

● Why the milk packets are cool enough?

● How rate of milk is fixed for dairy framers?

Question 7.

Collect news from newspapers about milk production and impurities in milk. Prepare a note and display it on wall magazine.


i. Milk Production is main product of dairy Farm. With the advancement of new technologies, new breeds of milch (milk giving) animals such as cows and buffalos India is one of the largest producer of milk in the world.

ii. After operation flood, economic condition of milk producers have gone up. With the help of government and support form dairy department this industry is blooming year by year and people are taking it is as serious profitable business.

iii. To get more profit, some people adulterate milk by adding harmful things in the mil. These substance or things affect the quality of milk. The main impurities in the milk are:

● Water in milk, one of basic impurity.

● Adding urea in milk: Increase the whiteness in milk.

● Synthetic milk: almost a kind of fake milk. Dangerous to health.

● Starch is added in milk.

Question 8.

Collect information about sea weeds, sea kelp from your school library and write a note with examples.


i. Sea kelp is seaweed or brown algae. Kelp form large forests beneath the shallow waters of the ocean. Sea weeds are the marine resources.

ii. Seaweed doesn’t have xylem and phloem (vascular tissue) like other plants, but all parts of the kelp absorb the nutrients and gases that it needs to grow from the water in which it is grown.

iii. Kelp is harvested for food such as soups and other dishes. Kelp is also used in the production of soaps and glass.

iv. A kelp-derived product is also used as a thickener in ice cream, jelly, toothpaste, breads, beer, pudding, salad dressing and other items.

Question 9.

Observe nearby poultry form and find out how do they export eggs to market? What material is used for transportation?


● The most important component in the poultry farms is to collect and handling the eggs.

● Utmost care is to be taken at the time of collection and transportation of eggs.

● Special design are planned in the poultry farms to avoid breakage of eggs.

● For export eggs are packed in egg trays made from recycled paper and molded pulp by means of a mechanized process.

● These trays protects the eggs from vertical and horizontal friction and avoid breakage during transportation.

Question 10.

Observe a dry honey bee hive and how the bees built it. Draw a picture. How does it look like?


Honey beehive looks like mosquito net that is fixed in the windows and door to prevent entry of mosquitoes.

Question 11.

Agriculture and animal husbandry are both sides of the same coin. How can you justify this?


● Rearing cattle in rural areas is traditional practice. In our country animal husbandry is part of the agriculture.

● Ox/bulls are reared for agriculture task such as ploughing field, drawing water from well.

● At the same time buffaloes cows are reared for milk at farmer’s houses.

● Sheep and goats are reared for milk and meat.

● The dung of cattle/ excrete is used as producing compost or manure. Dung is also used to produce biogas.

● So agriculture and animal husbandry are both sides of the same coin.

Question 12.

How do you appreciate the uses of cattle?


i. Most of the domestic animals were domesticated after people began farming and living in permanent settlements, between 8000 and 2500 BC.

ii. Among domesticated animals includes cattle. Cattle are the farm based animals mostly the cows, buffaloes, ox, oxen.

iii. These animals are very useful to us. Cows, buffalos and goat give us milk.

iv. Milk is a complete food and is necessary for humans of all ages. Oxen work in the agricultural fields for ploughing the fields. They do help in transport too as there are bullock carts.

v. They also are used in sports and competitions in rural areas. Besides milk, other farm products are meat, leather etc.

vi. Many religious beliefs are prevalent around cows.

vii. They are the most sacred animals in India. They are worshipped.

Question 13.

What makes you amazing in division of work in Honey bee colony? Support your answer.


i. Honey bees are social insects. Honeybees are live in colonies and follows division of labour.

ii. A typical colony consists of one queen, whose work is to lay fertilised eggs.

iii. There are 20,000 to 80,000 female worker bees.

iv. Worker bees perform all the task relating to the colony such as foraging food, constructing hive, storing honey for winter.

v. There are hundreds of male drones, they fertilize the queen outside the hive in mid-air, during nuptial flights. Soon after the fertilisation, the drone dies.

vi. A new queen mates with a new drone. The female workers lay unfertilised eggs.

vii. The division of labour and survival of the fittest, as exhibited by honey bees, is indeed amazing as well as interesting.

Question 14.

Conversion of agricultural lands into fish ponds lead food crisis and environmental pollution. Write your opinion to conduct a in debate on this issue.


i. The conversion of agricultural lands into fishponds has turned into a law this created problem in this village falling under Pedapadu mandal of West Godavari district on the peripheries of the Kolleru Lake.

ii. There was a showdown between the fishpond owners and the locals on digging of fresh ponds a week ago. When the groups belonging to the backward community and Schedule caste colony and the fishpond owners got ready for a clash, the police and revenue personnel mediated the case and settled it. Pedapadu Tahsildar Manchala Rao said he was contemplating enforcement of the section 144, if the situation turned out of his control.

iii. A group of four persons obtained ‘deemed' permission from the High Court for digging ponds on a little over 60 acres of land, regardless of the fears expressed by a section of villagers that the fishponds, if allowed, would pose a threat to their locality and pollute the drinking water sources.

iv. Even as the district level statutory body remained indecisive over the applications seeking permission for digging ponds, the tank owners moved the court and obtained orders in their favour. Now the administration appears to be in a dilemma on whether to execute the court orders in favour of digging ponds or to protect the interests of local people.